Why It’s A Smart Move To Choose Timber Windows

Last Updated on April 20, 2022 by Kravelv Spiegel

After many years of operation, the glass units often requires replacement. When considering possible options, you will most likely face difficulties in choosing: should you install PVC or natural wood glass unit? Undoubtedly, natural materials have many more benefits. In addition to installing a new window, you can also consider timber windows restoration.

The style that has no time limits

Fashion is changeable, this applies not only to clothing and shoes but also to architecture. Designers have tried a lot of things in the designs of houses, but wooden windows have remained popular for many years. They always look very stylish.

However, if you live in an old mansion, you can be sure that your house looks quite interesting even from a historical point of view. The use of solid wood and sash windows repair techniques allows you to turn wooden windows into a true work of art.

Ease of use

Is it time to replace the glass unit in your home? Consider how the wooden windows design has changed and choose the most suitable model. New insulating glass units have a number of advantages:

The service life of new generation wooden windows is very long, from 50 to 100 years. At the same time, they don’t require any regular maintenance. A minor wooden window repair process, which is required to preserve the original look of your glass units includes the painting of the frame. It must be done every 10 years.

You can also use the service of wooden windows restoration. Innovative technologies help eliminate rattling, minimize drafts and leaks. You will forget about the street noise, and the windows will take on a new and nice look.

High energy efficiency

Wood is an environmentally friendly material, so it is quite easy to carry out a wooden window refurbishment process. The same cannot be said about other types of raw materials that are used for making double-glazed windows – steel, aluminum, plastic. Wood is a natural insulator as it stores carbon. Thanks to this, windows and doors will not have a negative impact on the environment.

The better the characteristics of the glazing, the better the window retains heat. The frame plays a minor role in energy efficiency. Thanks to the use of high-quality glass and natural wood frames, you get the highest level of protection against heat losses. It will also lead to savings on utility bills, as energy consumption will be reduced.

Regular dyeing to maintain a trendy shade

The need to repair wooden windows may not even arise. But the desire to give the units a fresh look is quite justified. To refresh the wood, use sand, primer and a few finishing coats of paint. If you want to follow fashion trends, go for greys, blues, or greens. If you want something more exclusive, pink is also suitable – this way you will attract the attention of other people.

Replacing windows with glass units

Use double glazed windows to preserve the beauty of your house facade. Don’t forget that such a unit provides energy savings, too. You can choose one of the options of the timber sash windows. It is a technology of the second glazing, which is installed in the existing window frame, or complete replacement of the glass unit with new double glazed windows.

In this industry, double-glazed windows with two casements are most popular. They work in much the same way as plastic frames, but look more impressive.

Owners of old mansions who cannot change windows for the sake of preserving the look of the house as a historical value are encouraged to consult with the planning department in advance. This will allow for reconstruction so that the facade of the house doesn’t lose its historical value.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furniture, plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
