What’s Hot in Contemporary Bathroom Design

Last Updated on March 3, 2022 by Kravelv

Modern bathrooms have moved forward from a place that serves only one purpose. Nowadays they are a seamless fusion of the convenience and luxury. To achieve this effect, keep up with the latest advancements in the industry and introduce a careful selection of quality pieces. We have consulted the bathroom design experts to find out all about the novelties and upcoming trends, and we’re going to present it here for you.

Modern techy makeover

Bathroom time can now readily provide a five star experience for the senses with the introduction of in-shower audio systems, colour therapy and refrigeration devices. The tub-side fridge some firms advertise doesn’t only store the cooled beverages for the hot summer days. It could also serve for special medications that require certain temperature, and some beauty products like nail polish or preservative-ridden organic creams.

Another wonderful arrival is the ultimate tricked-out shower system. Although its prototype has already seen the light of the day, this years’ model is fully upgraded and improved. Its notable characteristics include a control panel that adjusts temperature and water pressure, mood enhancing light system (chromoterapy) and a set of built-in speakers.

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Water-preserving fixtures

Whether your country is recognising the Energy Star, Water Sense or any other energy rating programme that deals with the appliances designed for a sensible use, it’s recommendable you incorporate some of these in your bathroom.

For instance, low flow bowls are a solid way to start. They utilise the two-way flushing function which allows us to either use 1.6 or 0.8 gal per flush. Thankfully, almost all major toilet manufacturing companies have these in their offer. You can pick and choose from over thirty variants.

Homeowners have also received a cheap and easy way to preserve water. All they have to do is install the low stream aerators to their current fixtures. The average flow reduction is around 30%. Also, the false activation sensors additionally prevent water wasting.

Onto the smart showers, an example of the successful marriage of the classic and advanced technology. The water-conserving fixtures with a novel kinetic technology have lowered the flow to 1.6 gal/min (the standard is 2.5). With the management of water drops and their speed, spraying function and temperature adjustment, these feel the same as the regular showers.

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Seamless elements

In a recent chat with Sydney-based experts for bathroom renovations, it was brought to my attention that keeping the storage and fixtures undercover is the way to obtain a minimalist, clean bathroom look, resembling a real spa. Imagine entering a bathroom and you cannot spot the commode? Well, that’s possible now with models that are combined with a wood panel that doubles as rest bench, while the bowl is hidden underneath. Similarly, with a special cover-equipped bathtub model, you can keep the water warm underneath, or sunbathe on it when not in use.

Safety first

To make bathing experience possible for people of all ages, the walk-in tub is just the thing. Persons with reduced mobility can finally soak up in the bath. Some of the models are also featuring a water-stirring system that’s great for people suffering from diabetes and poor circulation.

To maximise the protection of your loved ones, you can install an elegant hand grip in the risky zones. These come in brushed nickel and chrome, which makes them an easy element for bathroom integration.

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Inspiration from the nature: Tiles

Since the overall design of the suites is becoming simple, you can add a decorative touch of your preference. Earth inspired patterns and designs are taking over, and here’s a list of our favourites:

  • The cherry blossom tiles are ideal for people in love with the Japanese style and culture. This collection stands for the beauty of the seasonal changes.
  • Bamboo-inspired tiles can undoubtedly create an out-in-the-wild spa atmosphere. Their shape mimics the form of the actual plant – they are thin and 24” long.
  • For an eclectic industrial-earthy mix, you have a metal-ceramic fusion sets, with metallic particles incorporated in the tile.

We have provided you with a detailed insight into a world of up-to-date bathroom designs. Now it’s your move to select the fixture of your liking.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
