What Features to Look for When Buying Washing Machine

Last Updated on November 4, 2021 by Kravelv Spiegel

In today’s hectic life, no one has enough money or time to overspend on laundry or wash clothes manually. Therefore washing machines are among the most significant household appliances.

There are plenty of things which one should keep in mind while buying a washing machine like size, capacity, and functions. Some washing machines have specific features like wash program, child lock, hot wash, temperature control, protective rat mesh, quick wash, digital display, and many more. 

Other than the features mentioned above, you should also think about the space you have while buying a washing machine so that you can select a compact one or a bigger machine.

There are different sorts of washing machines accessible in different price ranges; you can select any of them according to your affordability and convenience.

When people plan to buy a washing machine, they have many questions in their minds, and the most common question is that “what features to look for when buying a washing machine.” If you have similar queries, then you will get all your answers through this article.

Types of washing machine

Before heading towards the features of washing machines, one should know about the basic types and mechanisms of them.

There are mainly two types of washing machines including

Semi-automatic washing machine

Nowadays, semi-automatic washing machines are considered as old-styled washing machines. They consist of two tubs, the first tub for washing, and the other one is to dry your clothes. You will have to put the clothes in the washing tub first, and after that, you can transfer the clothes in the drying tub by hand.

Semi-automatic washing machines require human efforts and manual work. However, these machines are less expensive as compared to fully automatic, and their electricity consumption is also low.

Fully automatic washing machine

Fully automatic machine washing machines are further divided into two types.

Front loading washing machine

In this type of fully automatic machine, the clothes load from the front side horizontal drum. This type of washing machine is the most advanced form. It has many features like hot water supply, timer, child lock, and soak the clothes.

Top load washing machine

In this type of fully automatic washing machine, the clothes load from the top of the washing tub, which sits vertically. The washing and drying mechanism takes place in the same tub, and this machine does not require manual efforts for transferring the clothes.

Top load washing machines have a water inlet tab, and the machine itself decides when to take or stop water from maintaining the appropriate water level. It is the most economical and easy to use the automatic washer.

Features of a washing machine 

  • Size of machine

It is imperative to carefully measure the space, mainly the height and the width of the allocated space before buying a washing machine. Most of the washing machines are at least 85 cm and 60 cm wide.

The depth of the machine is also significant, but it is not as essential as the height and width.

The size of the washing machine is crucial, especially for small areas, so that the door of the washing machine can fully open without any difficulty. You should always buy a machine which can perfectly fit in your space.

  • Washer capacity

The washer capacity is also known as drum size is among the most critical parameters of a washing machine. The capacity of a washing machine can range between 5 to 15 kg. The capacity of the machine varies according to the size of the machine.

While buying a washer, you should also keep in mind the size of a family. When you have a higher number of family members, then you will require a bigger washer. If someone has fewer family members, they do not need to invest in a large washer. For example, if you live alone or with your partner, then a compact washing machine will be the perfect choice for you.

The most massive washing machines have a size up to 6.5 cubic feet, which can wash enormous load at once. Just make sure if you are buying a considerable washer that your dryer should also be large enough.

  • Installation

Most of the washing machines required the plumbing method for installations. However, combo spin washing machine and combo units are connected by an adaptor to kitchen faucet. For the installation of a washing machine, you can consult any plumber.

Installation of the machine should be on the perfect spot where you can easily wash and dry your clothes.

  • Material of tub

The material of the tub of a washing machine consists of plastic, stainless steel, porcelain, and enamel. Plastic and porcelain are less expensive. The plastic material tub of a washing machine is more durable than the enamel ones. The enamel material can easily rust, and chipping can occur in it. If we talk about the stainless steel tubs, they are the most high-quality tub material of a washing machine since they are highly durable and are capable of withstanding high-speed spins.

  • Washer settings

Some advanced washing machines do have specific wash settings like a gentle wash for clothes and water level alternatives. With these machines, you can easily customize and save your convenient settings.

There is a touch screen, rotatory control, or touchpad present on the machine for adjustments. The washing machines having search settings are pocket-friendly.

  • Temperature control

Washing machines mostly consist of the inbuilt heater, which helps in regulating the temperature of the water. The warm water helps in cleaning the clothes, and the temperature-controlled in the future is quite useful, especially during the winter season.

  • Spin cycle

The spin cycle is used for drying the clothes and is measured in a number of revolutions taken per minute. The drying capability of a washing machine depends on the spin cycle; that is, the higher the revolutions per minute, the better it will dry clothes.

The spin cycle of a washing machine dryer depends on the type of cloth. For thin clothes, the spin cycle should be 300 to 500 rpm, while for thick clothes, it should be greater than 10000 rpm.

  • Fuzzy logic

Through this property washing machine automatically selects the most favorable working conditions based on the quality of the cloth you are washing. 

It reduces the hassle of setting the washing machine because, by the weight of the laundry, it tells the amount of time, detergent, and water required for that load.

  • Energy efficiency

All the washing machines have an energy rating that starts from A and can extend to A+++. The machines which have rating consumes less energy and water. However, machines which have low rating they clean much better. The capacity of a machine also plays a significant role by impacting on efficiency.

  • Life span

The lifespan of a machine depends on the overall quality of the washing machine. Mostly expensive machines can work up to 10,000 hours, and they can last more than 10 years, while cheaper machines do not have a high life span.

  • Sound dampening

These types of washing machines are the perfect selection if you are placing your machine in areas like kitchens and bedrooms where you do not want loud sound.

  • Steam cycle

This feature of a washing machine villages uses steam to refresh those cloth items which cannot wash in water.

  • Quick wash

Very advanced washing machines have a quick wash feature, which saves time and energy without compromising on performance.


When you are buying a washing machine, all the features are equally important. It is not always necessary to buy an expensive machine for better performance. Therefore, you must look at the features and quality of a machine before buying it.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furniture, plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
