Last Updated on November 4, 2021 by Kravelv Spiegel
When it comes to building your ideal backyard gathering spot, you have a lot of options. While we believe that safety and cleanliness should always be your top priority, we understand that they aren’t the most exciting aspects of the planning process.
Chlorine Water
CHLORINE SANITIZING SYSTEMS has been the standard in pool sanitation for a long time. Why? Because it is the simplest method of eradicating microorganisms. As a result, chlorine is used in some form or another in most pool sanitation systems. Chlorine is widely found in many household cleaning products, and even the tap water you drink is chlorinated. It’s as easy as that: chlorine kills bacteria.
Through a sequence of chemical processes, chlorine keeps a pool clean. Chlorine kills bacteria by breaking down their cells and rendering them harmless. Consider bleach; after all, bleach is typically made up of chlorine and/or hydrogen peroxide. Although it is technically possible to disinfect a pool with bleach, this is far more expensive than purchasing raw chemicals such as granular chlorine or chlorine tablets. This is usually the least upfront expense, but it can quickly pile up to be one of the most expensive ways to disinfect your pool season after season. This is especially true if you let your chlorine levels decline and the pool turns green. Some people choose to spread the cost of pool maintenance out over time, and this works for many budgets.
This sort of pool water has been around since the 1980s and is recognized as the finest alternative to chlorine by many service providers, pool builders, and pool owners. To dispel the myth that salt water pool lack chlorine, salt water poolshave a 14 chlorine level (0.5ppm) when compared to chlorine pools (2.0ppm).
To begin, let me state unequivocally that saltwater pools do not taste like the ocean. You also won’t be able to float like in the Dead Sea. A saltwater pool, in fact, does not have a very high salt percentage in the water!
The second thing to always keep in mind is that a saltwater pool isn’t fully chlorine-free. In truth, saltwater pools use the same basic chemicals as a standard chlorine system to break out organic debris. Instead of immediately adding chlorine to the pool, you add salt, which interacts with a salt cell, which then works as a chlorine generator. In a nutshell, you’re creating your own chlorine rather than purchasing it from a store and adding it yourself. Yes, we’re aware… mind-boggling.
Mineral Water
Mineral systems are a low-chlorine pool sanitation option that has been around for a long time and has proven to be effective. Mineral pools supplement your water with additional minerals such as magnesium chloride, sodium chloride, and potassium chloride. All These minerals work together to keep your pool clean and, among other things, to combat algae and germs. The use of mineral systems reduces the requirement for chlorine by about half.
You’ll have a cheap initial investment in the system, followed by a recurring expense of replenishing the mineral pack inside the system once a season. In smaller pools, these costs are mitigated, but in larger pools, this can be a more cost-effective year-over-year option. The mineral packets cost roughly $100, so if you use more than $200 in chlorine per season, it could be a less expensive, not to mention a less unpleasant, alternative.
The general quality of the water is one of the most significant advantages for individuals who opt to build or upgrade to a Mineral System. People who swim in mineral system pools frequently describe the water as “silky and soft,” which is because of the interaction of minerals with the water.
Because the chlorine levels in a mineral system are so low, you’ll avoid issues like dry skin, itchy eyes, and damaged hair that are prevalent in standard chlorine systems.
Mineral pools are becoming increasingly popular, and rightfully so. They’ve been around for a decently long time, long before salt systems became popular. They’re the simplest to keep clean and are gentle on both our pools and our bodies. Mineral systems must be high on your list of considerations if you’re searching for the best value in pool sanitation.