Visible Flaws That Your Home Inspector May Miss Easily

Last Updated on November 3, 2021 by Kravelv

You must have mixed feelings when buying your next home. First of all, you are improving your equitable value, so you must be excited and proud of yourself.

But, at the same time, you must be a little skeptical about the property you are buying.

Of course, you wouldn’t want to make any wrong moves with such an expensive investment.

home inspector

What you can do to help you make a better decision is hire a property inspector.

The inspector’s job is to look for any possible flaws or faults in the property.

Yes, it is an arduous job and requires an expert eye for detail.

However, even with an expert pair of eyes, it’s possible to miss out on easily detectable details.

Wondering what these visible flaws could be?

Don’t wonder, and keep reading to find out.

1.  Fences and Outdoor Buildings

One of the easiest things to miss out on is the exteriors of the property.

And by exteriors, we don’t mean the external walls. Perhaps, the outdoors of your prospective property includes more than just walls.

For example, the fences, lawns, or even the landscape are easily missed out on details on any property.

So, before making an offer, make sure that you double-check the inspection report to avoid any expensive repairs down the road.

2.  Roofing Faults

Another common area to miss out on intricate details is the roof on your property.

Although the inspectors may quickly identify if the roof is missing any shingles. But, what they may miss out on is the auxiliary structures or portions of the top.

For instance, as per Kennesaw Georgia siding experts, home inspectors often miss out on broken or rotten eaves. And as such, it may pose a risk to the whole structure down the road if left unchecked.

So, it is better to ask the inspector to thoroughly check such places for any possible damage or fault.

3.  Clogged Drains

It is noteworthy that clogged drains may seem trivial, but they can create a nuisance if not taken care of in time.

Inspectors may easily ignore these critical areas and mention only debris and dirt in their reports.

Perhaps, the problem might not even be visible at times.

So, what you can do is fill up your tubs, run the showers and sinks, and see if the water drains are working correctly or not. Note that you must give enough time for any issue to come up.

4.  Air Conditioning And Heating Systems

Last but not least, the heating and cooling systems may receive a quick run-through.

For instance, during extreme cold, your inspector may not want to run the air conditioning unit. Likewise, during summers, they may not want to run the heating systems.

But, you can do your own test or call in a professional to inspect these appliances for you. The professionals may be able to know the problems without having to run the system on full power.

Perhaps, your inspector may also recommend that you get professional help to determine the condition of your heating and cooling systems.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook