5 Types Of Metal Roofing Materials: Pros, Cons & Cost

Last Updated on April 5, 2023 by Kravelv

Who does not want good quality and low maintenance metal roof? A metal roof offers many benefits to the homeowners, but it can be challenging to decide on a material that is best suited for your house. Every metal ranging from copper to aluminum has its fair share of advantages. Let us look at these individually to help you decide what looks better and fits your budget too!

worker installing metal roof

1. Copper roofing

Copper roofs have been used worldwide for as long as we can remember. It is a very soft and long-lasting metal that makes it an easy option for buyers to get a new roof. The cost of copper roofing ranges from $12 to $16 per sq. Ft. If you are looking for affordable metal roof installation, contact http://londonecometal.com/ 

Pros of Copper Roofing

The main reason why people prefer copper roofing above any other is its unique appearance. It can change color over time and give the roof a newer look every day! As mentioned earlier, a copper roof can easily last longer than any other material – at least 80-100 years. It is safe to use copper because it develops a protective layer that keeps it from rusting. This is particularly useful if you live near the sea because exposure to moisture will not cause it to rust.

Cons of Copper Roofing

It is not advisable to use copper if you have a tight budget as it is one of the most expensive roofing materials. Moreover, being a soft metal, it can easily bend or be dented. It is not recommended to use a copper roof if you live in an area with bad weather. Hail or storm can damage the roof beyond repair, so use it with caution.

2. Aluminum roofing

It is the lightest but strongest material available for your roof. It is especially suited for use in coastal areas as it does not rust.

Pros of Aluminum Roofing

Be it heavy rainfall or a coastal climate; an aluminum roof will withstand it all! Aluminum reacts with the environmental oxygen to form a protective covering that prevents corrosion. As previously mentioned, aluminum is extremely light. It puts no weight on the house structure and transporting it easier as well.

Cons of Aluminum Roofing

The downside of aluminum is the cost. Even though it offers better protection against corrosion, it is not affordable for most people. The market dramatically varies for aluminum, but on average, it costs $10 to $14 per sq. Ft.

3. Zinc roofing

It has become a popular choice in recent times because of its natural properties. It is beautiful on the outside that will patina and change its appearance over time.

Pros of Zinc Roofing

The primary reason why zinc is used is that it is aesthetically pleasing to the eye. On standing, zinc reacts with carbon dioxide and moisture in the atmosphere to form zinc carbonate. This results in a bluish-green covering known as Patina. Patina also prevents zinc from rusting, making it a great choice if you wish to install it near a coastal area. Lastly, a zinc roof can last for 90 years, so you will not have to worry about re-installments or maintenance!

Cons of Zinc Roofing

If you would like to keep the cost minimum, zinc is not the best fit. It is as expensive as aluminum, and copper so chooses wisely. The cost may range from $14 to $19 per sq. Ft. Another disadvantage for a zinc roof is that the patina can develop a whitish chalk-like material on the surface when it comes in contact with water, making it unattractive.

4. Steel roofing

One of the most common metals to be used in construction. It was previously reserved for commercial buildings only but has been widely used now for residential buildings. Steel is an alloy made by mixing iron and other elements.

Pros of Steel Roofing

As compared to other metals, steel generally costs less ($5 to $8 per sq. ft.) and is flexible to use. It is the most recyclable material known to man and has no weatherly restrictions. A steel roof works well with rainfall or hail, so maintenance is not a problem. All you must do is wash the top once a year or before a storm is expected, and you are good to go for the rest of the year! Furthermore, a steel roof offers the best protection against fire. People living in areas that are more prone to wildfire should consider installing a steel roof as it is an ideal choice.

Cons of Steel Roofing

Steel roofing can weigh more than copper and aluminum and most likely put stress on the house structure. It is also less resistant to corrosion, so avoid installing it in areas with excessive moisture.

5.  Alloy roofing

Galvalume roofing consists of steel that has been coated with aluminum zinc and silicone. It can withstand high levels of humidity and seawater without deteriorating, making it a great material for coastal regions. Several gauges and treatments, such as painted and unpainted, are available for galvalume roofing.

Pros of Alloy Roofing

Galvalume roofs don’t rust or corrode because of these qualities. Galvalume roofing is long-lasting and, with care, may last up to 50 years. This type of roofing is a good choice for lowering cooling expenses since it reflects the sun’s rays.

Cons of Alloy Roofing

The cost of a galvalume roof is higher than that of a steel roof. Also, galvalume roofs are easily dented by moving vehicles or other heavy things.

Types of Metal Roofing FAQs

What is the best type of metal roofing material?

The ideal metal roofing material for you is a personal choice that takes into account your budget, the local climate, and your sense of style. When it comes to metal roofing, steel is by far the most common and inexpensive option, while copper and zinc both have their own distinct aesthetic benefits but come at a higher price.

Is metal roofing more expensive than traditional roofing materials?

Metal roofing is more costly than more conventional options like asphalt shingles. Metal roofing, on the other hand, is a better long-term investment since it lasts longer and needs fewer repairs.

Is metal roofing noisy during rain or hail storms?

During a hail or rainstorm, metal roofs may make a lot of noise. Nevertheless, the volume can be tempered by using soundproofing materials like insulation or underlayment.

Can metal roofing be installed over an existing roof?

Metal roofing is often put directly over the top of an existing roof. But, in order to improve insulation and ventilation, the old roof should be removed before the new metal roof is put in place.


In conclusion, these types of metal roofing materials are often preferred by homeowners due to their longevity, low maintenance requirements, and high-efficiency ratings. There are a variety of metal roofing options, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. If you are in the market for a metal roof for your home, having this knowledge can help you make a well-informed selection.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
