Homeowner’s guide: Tricks to Improve the Energy Efficiency of your Home

Last Updated on November 3, 2021 by Kravelv

Many innovators are now thinking of greener and sustainable options to preserve energy for our future generation. In fact, states like Florida have already started with their energy-efficient methods. Around 10.38% of the total greenhouses are in Florida state only. But, it’s still a mystery why so many people are still using age-old methods when they quickly shift to energy-efficient homes.

In case you want to make this splendid change but don’t know where to start. Here’s the list of things you can do to improve the energy efficiency of your home. So, let’s begin and take one step ahead to a greener change!

energy efficient house

Consider using energy star products

Adopting energy star products is the first step towards the greener change. Only Energy Star products such as TV, refrigerators, washers, and ACs can meet the energy-efficient specifications set by the EPA. Plus, they use 10-15% less energy as compared to other appliances.

By using such products, saving money, and protecting the environment go hand in hand. So, make sure next time when you replace any of your appliances, you are buying an energy-efficient device.

Use Solar Panels to Generate Electricity

Solar panels are becoming popular with each passing day. People have started choosing them over the area’s electricity plants. If we look for the stats, 33.6% of California, 9.1% of Texas, and 7.6% of Florida’s homes are using solar panels recently.

Suppose you, too, live in any of the areas mentioned above. In that case, you can get solar panels for your home from your area’s solar panel companies. And, if you’re not aware of how many panels your house needs, Florida Solar Panels can help you with this. They’ll help you to choose the panels according to your budget.

The panels are an excellent method to generate electricity for the house. Additionally, they save you from electricity billing costs. Once you implant solar panels in your home, you’ll not have to worry about the hefty electricity bills that come every month.

So, why remain dependent on your area’s electricity plants when you can harness the power of the sun.

Change your heating methods

No doubt, electric or gas heaters keep you warm during the winters. But believe us, they are one of the most energy-consuming appliances. Many of them use 1500 watts of energy to perform. Further, they put a burden on your energy bills.

So, consider layering yourself with one more pullover and investing in quality blankets. They will keep you warm and cozy. Still, if you want a heating system, then please go for energy-efficient heating appliances. They use less energy and keep the environment safer.

Replace desktop with laptops

Most of the technical experts suggest changing the desktop system every four years. So, next time when you consider changing your computer, make sure you’re replacing it with the latest laptop.

Why? Laptops typically need an energy draw of only 60 watts. At the same time, the computer system of your house needs around 175 watts of electricity to run. In other words, laptops use almost 80% less electricity than computers. Thus, they are way more eco-friendly devices than your heavy loading computer systems.

Wrapping up

Thinking about the environment you live in and putting some effort to preserve it is a great thing. If we start adopting at least one or two methods, we can achieve sustainability. And, the results will definitely make the earth a better place to live.

Moreover, opting for energy-efficient options cuts many billing costs out of your pocket. So make sure you’re following the ideas mentioned above and enjoying a greener life ahead.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
