Last Updated on February 15, 2022 by Kravelv Spiegel
There are many situations where tree pruning is the only solution. When done, it must be done professionally and safely, using the best tools and techniques available. Incorrectly performed, pruning can harm your tree irreversibly, damaging the structure and shape of the tree. In order to learn how this activity is carried out the right way, we consulted the Sydney-based tree pruning experts Priority Trees.
Safety Pruning
Defective junctions and outgrowths that sometimes appear are often too heavy and threaten to break the limb in a strong wind. In these cases, pruning is performed to ensure the safety of these trees, sooner the better. In a similar way, old or declining trees might have long and heavy limbs which need to be pruned for weight reduction, increasing their safety. If these deformities and defects are dealt with early in the tree development, they minimize the chances of breakage during storms and strong winds.
Light Pruning
A large and tall tree takes more space, and often casts an extensive shade, which in some cases may reduce light in your garden or house. This is especially critical during winter months, when the sun is at a steeper angle. Before pruning, the tree has to be assessed so that the most effective option is selected – the one which will improve light conditions without damaging the tree shape. In most cases it involves pruning the lower branches of the canopy. People at Priority Trees are always willing to show how they can improve your light conditions with lasting results.
Selective Pruning
A tree may sometimes develop branches that grow astray, marring the overall symmetry or harmony of the canopy. In other cases, a branch or lime may grow too close to your roof or electrical grid lines. Like with safety and pruning for light, the procedure must follow all pruning standards so that it doesn’t affect the tree. One of the most frequent requests is pruning a branch that grows over the pool.
Dead Branch Pruning
In the natural process of growth, some branches die off and are replaced by new ones. In the course of time the tree will shed those branches, sometimes aided by strong wind. This is of course the best solution – if a tree is in the woods. However, if a dead branch is hanging over the house or a used garden space, it has to be removed by professionals. According to Priority Trees, their staff can remove all the dead branches at once, as they are able to access every part of the canopy. They claim that dead branches shouldn’t be removed more than three to five years, if the tree is in good health.
Canopy Thinning
There are several reasons why consultants from Priority Trees advise thinning the canopy. The advantages of this type of pruning involve increasing the light conditions, decreasing the canopy bulk, reducing the canopy weight and improving the tree safety during storms and strong winds. The pruning process removes smaller branches from the canopy and is measured in the percentage of the canopy foliage. In most cases, thinning 10-15% of the canopy will do the job.
A well-executed thinning maintains the overall shape and size of the tree. And pruning more than 15% is not recommended because it can trigger suckering growth, some species should not be pruned at all, as they quickly develop suckering growth regardless of pruning scale. Before any pruning takes place, you should consult experts to recommend the best solution for your tree.
If a tree is pruned properly, there is less chance that it will be damaged by a violent storm or strong gusts of wind. Trees that overhang buildings or high traffic areas should be checked regularly for defects or dead branches. A professional pruning service will inspect and maintain your trees periodically, contributing to your and your trees’ safety. What is more, it is important that they provide lasting solutions, respecting your garden and property.
Author Bio:
Lillian Connors is home improvement/green living enthusiast in charge of the sustainability segment on Smooth Decorator. You can check her out on Google+, Twitter and LinkedIn.