Last Updated on April 21, 2022 by Kravelv Spiegel
The American solar industry has experienced a lot of growth in the past ten years, and solar prices have decreased by about 70 percent. Since solar energy is available on the market, homeowners are pondering how much they can save on energy bills. When discussing solar energy, most individuals consider solar panels. However, there are other options for harnessing solar energy. SWH (solar water Heating Systems) are the best alternative when considering solar pool heating in Brisbane. This post will offer insight on solar heating before you purchase one.

Choose your suitable Heating system
There are two options of solar water heating units; Passive and active. The active heating mechanism entails direct circulation units (pumps go round household water via collectors before entering your home). The installed automatic controllers on the unit senses when solar energy is being captured and is suitable for warm temperature regions. It also has an indirect circulation unit where pumps circulate the heat-transfer, non-freezing fluid via the heat exchanger and collectors. This system heats the water before it flows into your home.
The passive heating system consists of integral passive collector-storage units. These units include a solar collection vessel, storage tank, pipes and require freezing water to be bumped towards the solar collector in portions. This system also comes with a thermo-siphon system that allows water to stream down when warm water floats and cold water sinks. You need to install the collector under the storage tank enabling warm water to rise into it.
Maintain the solar water heating unit
Domestic water with rich mineral content may lead to scaling (build-up) of mineral deposits in your SWH. Avoid scaling by using water softeners or circulating mild acidic fluids like vinegar via the hot water loop or collector after three-five years.
The entry of oxygen into the open hydronic loop water system will culminate in rust in the iron and steel compartments. The plumbing loop should have bronze, brass, rubber stainless steel, and plastic components, while storage tanks should have plastic or glass lining.
Get financial support
Obtaining hot water via solar pool heating is cost-friendly, especially when you take advantage of the Renewable Heat Incentive. This is a nationwide scheme that rewards property owners who use low carbon heating units. For instance,2-3 bedroom homeowners receive £310 in RHI earnings yearly. These earnings depend on the type of SWH installations.
Controls and timers
Control and timer displays can maximize the performance. Solar water heating systems enable electricity to chip in and heat your water when there is inadequate sunlight. However, when the unit instantly re-heats your water using supplemental electric heat after each morning use, then you’ll be unable to use solar power to re-heat water in the course of a sunny day. Always choose a solar water heater featuring a timer that excludes supplemental electric heat during mornings to avoid this issue.
Also, opt for systems that offer details regarding how the unit functions to help your house occupants know when it requires hot water and when nature provides it.
Positioning water heaters
For optimal performance when using a solar water heater, ensure its facing north. You can deviate the orientation to about 45 degrees from the north with minimum efficiency loss. Get a compass for checking the orientation. For optimal efficiency, install your solar collector in an open environment without nearby trees and buildings. Install the collector at a horizontal angle to maximize the sunlight landing on the panels.
Sizing a SWH system
Sizing the SWH unit entails calculating the entire collector area and storage volume you’ll require to satisfy 90-100 percent of home’s hot water requirements in summer.
Learn the difference between water-filled tubes, heat pipe, and flat plate collectors.
When deciding on the collector type for your split system that complements a particular water tank it depends on your country’s yearly weather conditions, the water’s purpose, and how frequent you use it daily. If you reside in a hard water spot, opt for a flat plate collector when installing your split system. A flat plate collector is cumbersome to carry, especially when placing it on a roof. The common options for tube collectors include the heat-pipe tube and water-filled glass tube collectors. Note that a heat-pipe collector is 30 percent more proficient than a flat plate and offers higher temperatures on chilly cloudy days.
Author Bio:
Jim Pulman has extensive knowledge and experience in Home Building, Construction, and Design. He writes articles in his free time and partners with content creators to share his expertise with the online community.