How to Save Energy when Using Air Conditioning

Last Updated on March 25, 2022 by Kravelv Spiegel

As the climate is changing across the globe, people have to adapt to those new changes. The areas that used to be cool even in summer now have to face a serious temperature rise. When tackling those new climate conditions, the most practical thing for every home is to install an air conditioner. However, this device can waste a lot of electric energy is not handled properly. Also, there are some tricks that can make the entire air conditioned area cooled in a more efficient way.

Free some space

Air-conditioners are usually mounted high up on walls. The position will depend on several conditions. The first thing to consider is the amount of sunlight the rooms in your home receive. The one that is on the sunny side should be awarded with an air conditioner. The second thing that will determine the position of the cooling device is the arrangement of furniture. If you want best performance, there has to be some free space around the A/C unit. Finally, you also have to find a route for the drain pipe that will take away the condensed water. Also, filtering and reusing this water is another eco-friendly solution; more about it here.

Maintenance saves the day

Regular maintenance definitely belongs to those simple, yet extremely effective ways of keeping your air conditioner efficient and extending its life span. Firstly, you have to change the filter. This replacement has to be done after every cooling/heating season, since the filter can contain all kinds of microorganisms that can provoke allergic reactions and other health issues. Secondly, the AC fan also has to be tested and replaced from time to time, advise at Home Comfort Air.


Finally, the area outside the air-conditioner should be checked and inspected, too. For instance, if this device is close to any shrubs or trees, leaves, twigs and seeds can harm the air conditioner.

Lighting and shading matter

People often think that they will cool down the area if they simply turn up their A/C unit. While this can be done, too, the final result will be a disaster, energy-wise. It is much easier for this machine to work in an environment that supports its cooling effort. This means that you should try to ensure conditions that will contribute to a greater level of cooling efficiency. For instance, if you see that the day is going to be scorching hot, you should close the blinds or shutters early in the morning. However, you should keep the windows slightly open, so that the room does not get sultry. That way your home will remain cool when you are outside or at work. As you get back home, you can loosen the darkness, let some light in and switch on your A/C unit to keep the place cool with a minimum input of electric energy. Also, learn more about cooling without air-conditioning.


Fans as cooling supplements

While it is clear that high temperatures can be beaten only with air conditioners, they should be accompanied by their next of kin – fans – to make the whole area cooled in a less expensive and more ecological way. Since fans are much simpler devices, they do not require such high energy consumption. This is why they should be used as supplements to air conditioners. Moreover, when the temperature is still within some normal range, a ceiling fan can be used as the only cooling device. However, pay attention to the wattage of the fan you are going to buy and get the one that will be efficient. You can calculate the potential consumption here.

Keeping your home cool when it is hot outside is a must if you want to feel comfortable. Although using air-conditioning as the main cooling feature is the most logical choice, it is even more practical when joined by several cooling additions. When you apply more cooling solutions, your entire home will become a well-cooled and highly efficient unit.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furniture, plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
