8 Ways To Ensure Safety During Home Improvement Projects

Last Updated on January 2, 2023 by Kravelv

There are various factors to consider for planning a home renovation. Although most homeowners who undertake these projects prioritize the budget and aesthetics, most are likely to overlook the potential hazards while on the job. 

House renovation
House improvement concept. Rear view of Asian construction worker looking away.

Various types of home improvement accidents can occur. Some of the potential injuries during renovation projects can range from minor splinters, broken bones, electrocutions, and many more. You can avoid these mishaps by making safety a priority at all times.

Being Safe During Home Renovations

As more homeowners decide on handling DIY home improvement projects to save money, proper protection should be one of the crucial considerations. Whether you’re an amateur in the endeavor or not, it’s always best to follow safety precautions. Here are some things you should consider:

1. Clean The Work Area

The best way to start is to keep the work area clean. It’s one of the simplest ways to avert injuries before, during, and after any project you’re working on. 

Put away any supplies to ensure they won’t become a hazard. When you have children around, always keep the tools and volatile chemicals in a safe place and secure them with a lock to be out of reach. Additionally, make it a habit to sweep or vacuum sawdust to prevent it from entering your eyes. 

2. Have Protective Gear And Equipment

Even if you’re at home working on a renovation project, a safety factor to consider is wearing the proper clothing and equipment such as eyewear, gloves, and long-sleeved shirts.

  • Safety glasses or goggles will come in handy in preventing any construction debris, dust, and other irritants from entering your eyes. 
  • Make sure to wear sturdy gloves even if there’s no obvious hazard. If you’re working with hazardous materials, including paint, it’s best to wear specialized gloves
  • If you’re going to use a loud power tool most of the time, protect your ears by wearing earplugs.
  • Even at home, you need to wear the proper garments to have extra protection. A good example is high-visibility clothing that prevents accidents by making sure others see you. If you want to learn more about suitable safety clothes for your home renovation project, checking out hi vis shirts and reflective pants would help.

3. Keep Tools In Good Shape

One of the chief causes of injuries during any home project is using tools in poor condition. A rickety ladder, damaged wires in electrical devices, broken drill casings, and even a loose hammer can result in injuries.

If any of your tools are starting to wear out or have issues, it’s best to replace them with new ones. Take note that it’s better to be safe than sorry. When you have tools that are regularly cared for and maintained, they’ll function efficiently. Additionally, make sure you’ll handle your devices with care to prolong their lifespan. 

4. Ensure Proper Use Of Power Tools

During home improvement projects, power tools can be the cause of injuries. When using these, there are few precautions to consider such as:

  • Double-check if the tool is off before plugging it in.
  • Check if all guards are in place.
  • Make sure the tool you’re going to use is in good working condition.
  • Use the right equipment for the job.

Power tools can make any project easier to handle, but make sure you’ll use them correctly to get the best results. 

5. Create A Good Working Environment

Depending on the home renovation project you’re working on, the area should be conducive to work in. The site should have adequate lighting. And if you’re currently working in a confined space, try utilizing lamps so you can see better. 

Another factor to consider is the space you’re working on. Often, you have to work around clutter and obstacles. It’s best to move unnecessary items out of the way so you can work efficiently. If possible, take the necessary steps to prevent pets, children, and any surprise visitors from entering the area.

6. Inspect Electrical Work

During a home improvement project, always watch out for electrical hazards. If you think replacing an outlet is simple, you might want to think twice unless you know how to handle electricity. Here are some safety precautions:

  • Switch off the main breaker and inform everyone in the house to leave it off. 
  • Utilize a voltage meter to check whether no current is running.
  • Wear rubber gloves and goggles.
  • Use insulated tools designed for electrical work.
  • If possible, avoid plugging power tools into extension cords. If it’s necessary to utilize an extension cord, use a heavy-duty model.

7. Keep A First Aid Kit

In most cases, you can’t prevent accidents and emergencies from occurring. When an injury happens, you only have a few moments to respond to prevent it from getting worse. With this in mind, always have a well-stocked first aid kit on hand for such situations. Additionally, it’d be best to have a phone readily accessible if there’s a need to contact other people.

8. Practice Correct Use Of Ladders

When you’re going to work with ladders, safety must be a priority. You must position the ladder carefully, especially if you have the extension type. Incorrect placement can turn a structurally sturdy ladder into a hazard since it significantly increases the risk of falls.

Young Asian maintenance worker with orange safety helmet and vest carrying aluminium step ladder at construction site. Civil engineering, Architecture builder and building service concepts
Young Asian maintenance worker with orange safety helmet and vest carrying aluminum step ladder at the construction site. Civil engineering, Architecture builder, and building service concepts

Here are the safety rules when using a ladder:

  • Position the ladder’s base a foot from the wall for every four feet it rises above.
  • Determine the correct angle by checking if you can hold around the closest rung when you stand straight and completely extend your arms. If the rung is too close, you have a steep angle, and the ladder might tip. If the rung is too far, the angle is shallow, and the base is likely to slide. 
  • Make sure to brace the feet of the ladder by requesting someone to hold it.
  • Secure the top of the ladder to a solid object.


When you’ve been planning a home renovation project, whether to give your kitchen a makeover or transform the basement into an extra bedroom or entertainment room, safety should always be a priority. Ensure you’d observe these safety measures to have a safe working environment and finish your project with the best results. 

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
