Are Regular Roof Inspections Really Important?

Last Updated on March 1, 2022 by Kravelv

Ever wondered why roofing professionals always recommend roof inspections? That’s what many homeowners would ask, especially after getting a new roof that’s supposed to withstand wear and tear for decades. They already spent a lot on their roof, so why would they spend more?

Well, regular inspections actually help you spend less

At first glance, roof inspections would look like you’re just spending more for nothing, but it actually helps you save money in the long run. Most roofing problems requiring the most expensive repairs are actually those that had gone undetected and left to fester, worsening into a major issue. Regular inspections can help you avoid that. What else makes regular roof inspections important?

They give you an idea of your roof’s lifespan

Roofs deteriorate over time just like any other part of the home. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have it checked up specially during its late years. With regular inspection, you’ll have an idea of how many years are left in your roof’s lifespan, giving you enough time (and resources) to prepare, which is drastically better than getting caught off-guard by a roof suddenly failing one day.

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They help keep your home pretty

Who says regular roof inspections are just about preventing leaks? Remember that the roof plays a big part in your home’s overall appearance. Regular roof inspections can help spot signs of discoloration or unsightly dark spots that may be caused by mold or accumulated debris. Getting rid of them on a regular basis helps maintain your roof’s curb appeal without having to replace your roof every few years.

They don’t leave you guessing

Do you think there’s something wrong with your roof? People make roof problems worse when they take matters into their own hands and start guessing what’s wrong. With professionals performing regular roof maintenance, you get a more accurate assessment of any problems, so you spend less performing and correcting (possibly botched) repairs.

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They help keep you covered

Literally and figuratively. Regular inspections help catch problems before they worsen, allowing you to take the necessary action to ensure that your roof is in top shape all the time. It is tasked with protecting your home, after all. However, regular inspections also keep you covered by making sure your roofing warranty remains valid. Proper maintenance is a common condition required by manufacturers before warranty policies are honored.  Having regular roof inspections ensures that your warranty won’t get voided, so you don’t have to shell out even more cash in case something does go wrong with your roof.

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Low Maintenance and no Maintenance are NOT the same

Maintenance ease is a factor many take into consideration when choosing a roof. However, many also mistake low maintenance for no maintenance. While roofs are built to last, they will perform even better with routine care. Fortunately, quality roofs will only need regular cleaning and inspections, which you’ll only generally need to schedule once or twice a year or after severe weather hits. If it’s been a while since you’ve given your roof some attention, get in touch with your local roofing expert today to schedule an inspection.


Author Bio:

Jesse Curry is the owner of Roofing by Curry, a roof company based in Florida. Creative and driven, he and his team have overcome many challenges, earning their company the reputation as one of the best in the area. Check out the company blog for updates from Jesse!


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
