8 Ways to protect your well water from pollution

Last Updated on October 4, 2022 by Kravelv Spiegel

Due to the convenience and savings they can get from having a well installed on their personal property, more and more residents in the United States are making the switch from private utility companies to the so-called, “natural” water system. In fact, there are around 13 million estimated households who get their water supply from private wells on a 2020 consensus.

Aside from the benefits of lesser bills to pay every month, another surprising observation made by well owners suggests that the water from wells tastes fresh and clean. Many may even say that it is healthier than the water from the city, due to the minerals that are found in groundwater.

Why do wells get contaminated?

Groundwater is the primary source of water of most private wells in the U.S. The term simply means that it is the water located underneath our surface that is mostly stored in aquifers – which are also called water-bearing rocks.

Aquifers get their water from many bodies of water, depending on where it is located. When the water that has made its way to the aquifer is contaminated or impure due to several reasons, the nearby wells that use this source are more likely polluted as well. This can bring harm to the people who drink it or use it for preparing meals and bathing.

Proven ways to protect well water from pollution

When pollutants and other impurities make their way into your private water source, this can be a source of worry and alarm. After all, you are using that water in your daily activities, and most importantly: to drink and cook your food. Especially if you have children or elders in your family, you must make sure that your household is secure from disease and sickness.

To help you release your stress in the case that you:

A. are still planning to get a well drilled but is now having second thoughts, or;

B. already have one but it is making you worry too much.

We have prepared a simple guide in reducing the risks of having a contaminated well and some ideas on how to fix them in case it ever happens to you.

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Tip No.1: Contact a trusted local well contractor to build your well

If you belong to group A, there is no need to worry too much. Although having a well can be too much of a responsibility on your part, a lot of residents all over the world believe that the cons are greatly outnumbered by the pros one would get in having a private well.

It is important to remember that when a well is constructed properly in the first place, the chances of it being polluted in the future are greatly decreased. How? Because the well was planned and designed carefully which makes it secure.

The process of building a well is more complex than one might think, and there is absolutely more to it than just digging. Every detail must be inspected: the location it will be placed, where it will get its water source, will this source be enough for the household, how much water do they use every day, etc. Local contractors are highly recommended because they are aware of your city’s regulations, and they also know the issues in some groundwater sources.

Tip No.2: Contact a well contractor to do an inspection of your well

If you belong to group B above, you might have bought a property that already has a well or you had it built yourself. In this case, you can call a well contractor to inspect your well and do some tests, such as the water testing for bacteria and chemistry test.

This will help you make sure that you will use water that is safe and is up to the standards set by your area and the suggestions of health professionals.

Tip No.3: Seal any unused well in your property

Wells that are no longer in use must be abandoned and sealed properly, as the water can possibly make its way to the community’s supply. Not only will this affect you, but you will also be responsible for polluting your local water.

Make sure that you will have the well closed completely to avoid leaks. 

Tip No.4: Be responsible with your area

Pollution mainly comes from the trash people use and throw irresponsibly. When harmful substances and chemicals make their way into your supply, it can cost you and your family’s health.

If you live in a place with farms or animals, manure can also bring bacteria to your water. Dispose of the wastes properly and encourage your family and neighbors to do the same.

Tip No.5: Secure chemicals safely and use them properly

Gas, pesticides, fertilizers, and other chemicals may get washed off by rain and be absorbed by aquifers. Use these products sparingly according to the suggested amount and make sure that it is stored in a safe spot with its lids or caps tightly closed.

Tip No.6: Have your well maintained regularly

In some cases, you may have an open well that is collecting rainwater. There might be some cracks, defects, and other damaged parts you may not know. It is recommended to have your wells inspected regularly and to test the water at least once a year.

Tip No.7: Invest in a quality water purification system

One of the best ways that can protect your well water is by installing a water purification system. Do your research or ask your contractor about what filter will work best for your needs, the most popular ones are the under-sink water filters and the whole-house water filters.

Purification systems treat your water and protect you from many kinds of bacteria and contaminants.

Tip No.8: Follow your city’s local ordinances

Rules exist for a reason, and well owners must follow the city’s ordinances. Some people insist on having a well dug without proper documentation and this can make them regret it later. By implementing guidelines, the local community can protect their residents from consuming polluted water. Especially in a shared source, one’s carelessness can bring a lot of people harm. Follow the rules, dispose of chemicals in a correct manner, and conserve your water responsibly.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furniture, plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
