How to Properly Take Care of Your Plantation Shutters?

Last Updated on November 8, 2021 by Kravelv Spiegel

If you recently bought Plantation Shutters, or plan to buy soon, it is important to possess adequate knowledge on how to take care of your Plantation Shutters. There is no doubt that plantation shutters give a new and refreshing look to your room, but if not maintained properly, they can deteriorate and become costly for you.

modern bedroom with plantation shutters

Your Plantation Shutters are likely to stay protected from weather elements, but still, they’re vulnerable to dirt and other debris inside your home. Thus, regular cleaning not only keeps your plantation shutters look nice, but also prevents staining and potential damage that can affect their effectiveness. In this article, we will be discussing the best ways to take care of your Plantation Shutters.

Tips for easy care and maintenance

Regularly wipe the dust away

Cleaning is an important part of maintenance! To maintain Plantation Shutters with proper dusting, simply close them as flat as possible and wipe the dust off each slat with a clean cotton or microfiber cloth or dry sock slipped over your hand. Make sure that you start from the top slats first and gradually work your way down. On the other hand, you may use a vacuum with a small, dry brush add-on on a low setting. Rotate slats and repeat the process till cleaning is done.

Grab Louvers from the middle to operate them:

Correct operation of shutters is vital to avoid damage. For Plantation Shutters with noticeable, tilt-rod controls, always open and close the shutters using the rod. For a veiled tilt rod or invisible tilt rod, hold one of the louvers in the middle and tilt it to operate all the louvers. Avoid opening the shutters from the end of the slats as this can ultimately weaken the operating mechanism.

Different care for different shutters:

You must keep in mind that different care methods are required for different shutters since they are built from different materials. When you are cleaning Plantation Shutters, avoid using excess water or liquid cleaners, as this can cause discoloration and warping.

Cleaning Shutter Stains:

Stains can be troublesome; however, most Plantation Shutter stains can be removed by spot cleaning with a suitable cleaning product. It is recommended that you use a clean cloth to treat the stain, then rinse and pat dry. For stubborn stains, it may be essential to treat the stain more than once to fully remove it.

Get your Shutters Checked:

Even if you’ve adhered to all the care tips for Plantation Shutters but are still experiencing function issues, you must get them checked by a professional. When shutters are not opening and closing properly, it is a tell-tale sign that you call your shutter provider, for service advice and contacts. If you don’t do this, it might make Plantation Shutter not only less effective but will also mean that your investment is not worth it.

Final Words

Follow these care tips for your plantation shutters and rest guaranteed that they will last for years. 

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furniture, plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
