Discover The Top Items You’ll Need When Getting Your First Apartment

Last Updated on December 26, 2021 by Kravelv Spiegel

After the excitement of looking for a home and finding a suitable apartment, you’ll have to settle down and wait for the house buying process to complete. It can be frustrating and feel like it’s taking forever. But, it’s a great opportunity to get organized.

Remember The Surveys

If you’re buying with a mortgage then the mortgage company will insist on surveys being completed. If you’re not using a mortgage firm then you can overlook this step, but you shouldn’t. Building surveys, including magnetic particle testing, will highlight any flaws in the apartment. This will allow you to negotiate the price, be prepared for repairs, or even change your mind.


Once you’ve committed to the apartment the first thing you’re going to need to do is not pack! You want to contact the various utility companies and get the best possible deal on your energy bills in your apartment.

Sorting these early will mean that the utilities are ready to use when you move in. That’s better than spending your first week in an apartment with no power or running water!


Now you’ll want to consider furniture and start getting it lined up, ready for your moving date. While the floor is a comfortable option, a bed will give you a better night’s sleep.

Your basic furniture needs will consist of a bed, wardrobe, (if there’s not one built-in), a couch, and perhaps your television. While this isn’t a furnished apartment it will allow you to relax after a hard day at work. Of course, if you work from home you’ll want a desk and chair as well.

Soft Furnishings

Unless you’re happy for your neighbors to watch you through your windows you’ll want to get some quality homeware. That’s your bed sheets, curtains, a few cushions, perhaps a rug or two. These are the things that make life comfortable and give you privacy.


It’s inevitable that there will be small jobs that need sorting, such as a loose screw on a window or putting your new furniture together.

Invest in a small tool kit that has various sized screwdrivers, hammer, pliers, and perhaps a few screws and nails. It will be enough to get you started.

You should also include a step stool in your tool kit, even changing a light bulb can be challenging if you can’t reach it!

Batteries & Torches

Batteries are essential for many different items, from your smoke detector to a torch. Having batteries to hand could make the difference between a comfortable first night and a frustrating welcome to your new home.


While one of the less important things on your list you do still need to take your clothing and other possessions. Ideally, you’ll want to pack these up as close to moving day as possible. This reduces the likelihood of damage or things going missing.

That’s it, you’re ready to move, get a couple of friends on standby and start looking forward to your new apartment!

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furniture, plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
