Modern Home Secrets: How to Redesign Your Bathroom

Last Updated on February 15, 2022 by Kravelv Spiegel

Even though we spend the most of our time outside, home is the place where we always end up. And the place where we prepare ourselves for going outside are bathrooms. In most people’s homes, bathroom is a special area, something like a purgatory, which adds to their importance and function. When you enter a new home, or if you have been living in one for quite some time, you will probably have to make some serious changes in the bathroom. The times when people did not care for their bathrooms have long gone, and now is the time for you to show how much you care. Make the renovation of your bathroom a spectacle – make it modern by following these few simple steps.modern home secrets 1

Good planning

The first thing you need to do is to make a good plan. Ask around, do your homework and know exactly what you want to achieve. Set your priorities and set your budget – especially if you work with a limited amount of money. Only after you have planned everything can you start the project and bring life into your bathroom. Use the images of designs you like to make the most of what you have and make sure to visualise before you actually do anything. If you have a limited area, the best thing would be to draw a blueprint and measure everything, so that you know how much space you can use and where you want things to go.

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Colours and storage

The colour palette of modern bathrooms allows for soothing nuances. Contrast the base colour, such as white, grey or blue with the green countertop. Remember that if you want to avoid mould and ruining your bathroom, it would be best if you put tiles on the floors and walls as well. The effect you want to achieve is soothing simplicity, to combine green tiles with white shelves and towels.

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Make balance by adding some greenery and make the space more lively. Colourful accessories will also make the space more interesting, so add vanity boxes and make up containers and hang paintings on the walls to make it more cheerful. Add wooden crates on the walls or place them on the ground for more easily accessible storage.

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Modern bathrooms allow for almost all materials. Modern design allows for wood, stone, ceramic, glass and slate – pretty much anything you can think of. Even a combination of wood, tile and stone can look great. Combine natural stone tiles with modern-design steel fittings and install a marble sink countertop as a great finish. Do not be afraid to add some furniture as well. Modern bathrooms allow for chairs and even sofas, so you can add this to your list as well. But, remember not to clutter the space with unnecessary things and you will live a happier life.

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Bath tub

The focal point of your bathroom, and the central thing in it is the bath tub. There are many specialised stores that sell bath tubs in Sydney so you can go around and spend some time looking for the right one for you. Check out online catalogues and look for “modern” label to know what you can expect. These days, whirlpool bath tubs are very popular, and if you do not have enough  space in your bathroom, you can easily  find modern fixtures that can solve all your problems. And once you have decided for the right design, make sure to try it out – literally, step into your bath tub and see if it works for you, and the rest of your family. Make sure to measure everything, so as to avoid, God forbid, not having enough space for it.

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And finally, remember that your bathroom need not be tacky. Make it elegant, sophisticated, and yet functional. Add  storage wherever you can – below the sink, above the toilet, at the corner of your shower, above the bath tub, go vertical with numerous shelves and use the space even on the door by adding some hanging shelves. Function does come first, but the best thing you can do is to make a combination of striking looks and functional overall design. Make it shine.

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Author Bio:

Diana Smith is a full time mom and a part time blogger interested in topics related to home design and latest DIY projects. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her family and reading about latest design news.


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furniture, plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

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