Installing Flashing Made Easy

Last Updated on March 30, 2022 by Kravelv Spiegel

Before you begin your lesson you must know what flashing is. Flashing is basically the protective coating that is used on roofs to avoid leaks caused by water or seepage. The most common material used for this is Aluminum and next to it comes galvanized metal. Aluminum is preferred since it can easily be bend. Next arises the question of exactly where to install it. The answer is really simple. The area that needs extra protection is where flashing can be installed. This can be chimneys, roof valleys, and vents. These are the places where we will tell how flashing can be done.

For chimneys:

After the roof shingles have been placed and cement around it dried, place the flashing in the correct way so that part of it is up against the chimney and the rest of it rests on the base of the roof. Hold it in the place and apply cement to fix it there. After this nail it using galvanized roofing nails to the roof. Make sure not to put any nail on the piece of flashing that is against the chimney. Continue the same sequence for the entire chimney.

For Vents:

To get your vent flashed you will have to place the upper part of the flashing below the shingle. The bottom part must be allowed to rest in the open, exposed. Lift shingles near the vent area to place the upper portion of the flashing underneath them. Cut membrane for sealing the area between vent flashing and roof. For the vent cut the opening. Place the vent flashing directly about the membrane in such a way that the flashing overlaps the membrane material. It is to note that the arrangement shouldn’t be the other way around. Nail the vent’s base and apply cement to the point the flashing is being introduced to the shingle so that they remain intact.

For Valleys:

For valley of your roof you need valley flashing specifically. But with this flashing you need a waterproof membrane spread. This is done in areas where rain and snow or any form of precipitation is common. Lay down the flashing in either W or V shape. Make sure the drip edges are at the bottom of the valley. Then the tripping is done according to the need. Next, nailing needs to be done. Plant a nail at every half foot or so to keep it intact. For further safety use roofing cement to fill in the gaps in between.

Though above is the description of how you can have flashing done at different spots of your roof, you can notice it isn’t much of an easy task. If there is a case of emergency or short of time it is better to just call roofing contractors walled Lake Michigan rather than going out and getting things done yourself. Yes, DIY is a good thing but when you need to get perfect work done in less period of time you know no one can do that better than the pros themselves.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furniture, plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
