Hydroponics And Indoor Gardening – The Challenges No One Ever Told You

Last Updated on November 4, 2021 by Kravelv

Gardening can be you passion or the thing that you do when you want to drown yourself in the beauty of things, leaving your mundane routine behind. However, things are not that simple with gardening, especially when you’re new to it and indoor gardening is what you’ve taken in hand – indoor gardening isn’t really simple and easy to do.

While you may consider taking help from those who’re just as passionate gardeners as you are, you need to make sure you know the concept of indoor gardening as well as that of the plants or vegetables you’re planning to grow. Each plant has its own special requirements that you need to consider before jumping onto the concept of gardening.

This blog summarizes for you the challenges associated with hydroponics and indoor gardening – these are the points you usually ignore and no one even tells you about. Take a look here –

  • Lighting – Indoor gardening or hydroponics means that your plants will not be exposed to the natural sunlight which typically helps plants to grow. This further means that you will need to provide your own, artificial light to the plaints. To better imitate sunlight, you might as well have to purchase a high-density discharge and metal halide grow lights. These offer lights on the blue and red end of the spectrum, which are designed to sufficiently stimulate photosynthesis during the vegetative and flowering stages of development, respectively.
  • Watering – When you gardening outdoor you do not really have to worry about watering your plants too frequently – the plants can easily adapt with the outside weather conditions. However, this is not the case with hydroponics – you need to keep a close eye on the amount of water that you’re giving your plants to ensure perfect growth. Know about the requirements of your plant and water it accordingly.
  • Environment – One of the primary advantages of indoor gardening is that it can be done anywhere, even if the environment in your part of the world does not accommodate a certain plant. But, this also means that you are responsible for creating the idyllic environment for growth. You may need to take standard measurements of the temperature and humidity, and make necessary adjustments.
  • Nutrients – High quality soil is the most important thing that a plant needs to thrive on. If you are growing hydroponically indoors, you will need to provide the plant the set of nutrients by yourself. This also means that you will also have to be responsible for mixing a proper nutrient solution and paying close attention to the health of your plants so you can catch any deficiencies that may arise.

  • Odor – The odor of plants may vary according to their categories, as well as the advancements in their growth. It is particularly important to know that a plant may release pungent odor in the start of the process, which may later finish completely. Be aware that plant odor is a natural process, and create a space for your plants accordingly.

These above mentioned 5 challenges are the ones that are most important yet frequently ignored. At Hyjo Hydroponics, they provide customers with the necessary advice and tools to maximise results, eliminate risks for UK indoor gardening as well as to address the grower’s interests, but also with all the necessary information for the process to happen. Our experience provides invaluable solutions to problems encountered by beginners to experts alike.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
