How to Use a Drill Safely

Last Updated on March 30, 2022 by Kravelv

Drills are useful tools. They make holes in wood, metal, and other materials. Without a drill, it could be impossible to finish a project. While using a drill, there is a risk of injury. To avoid getting injured, follow these recommendations.

  1. Don’t Wear Loose-Fitting Clothing

Loose-fitting clothing poses a hazard while operating a drill. The clothing could become entangled with the drill bit while it is spinning. This could lead to injuries. To avoid this possibility, tuck in shirts and roll up sleeves. It’s better to wear short-sleeve shirts while operating a drill. Another thing to consider is pulling your hair back into a ponytail to prevent it from getting caught in the drill.

  1. Use Safety Glasses to Protect the Eyes

While drilling, pieces of wood could hit the face. The eyes are particularly at risk for  injury. To avoid this, wear safety glasses. A pair of safety glasses can block flying debris. If the glasses aren’t enough protection for a project, consider using a face shield to protect the entire face. This might be needed when drilling into hard materials. This usually produces a lot of heat and sparks might fly toward the face. The most important thing is being comfortable while working with power tools. For a good cordless drill on a budget check out this cordless drill review by Toolazine.

Also Read: Usage of hand and power tools

  1. Stabilize the Material Before Drilling

Before drilling a hole into a block of wood, secure it. If you are strong enough, hold it down while drilling. Other options include placing a weight on the wood or clamping it to a table. These options are necessary to avoid uneven holes and injury.

The material should be inspected before it is used. If there are knots or nails, it could interfere with the drill bit and cause an injury. These elements might cause the drill to become unsteady while drilling.

  1. Drill Holes into Wood Before Driving Screw

Another recommendation that will make drilling safer is drilling holes before driving a screw. With a pre-drilled hole, it’s easier to drive the screw into the material. Pre-drilled holes stabilize the board as well. There’s less chance of cracking. Once the hole is drilled, attach a screw bit into the driver and drive a screw into the hole. This is the safest way to do it.

  1. Stabilize the Drill Before Drilling

If the drill isn’t stable, the hole won’t be even. This could damage the surrounding areas of the board. One way to stabilize the drill is by placing it on a desktop or countertop and pushing it into the material. A stand will also support the drill. This is recommended when drilling into hard materials. It will prevent the drill from slipping and damaging the material.

  1. Push the Drill Bit into the Drill Firmly

One of the most common errors while drilling is improperly securing the drill bit. If the bit isn’t held tightly by the drill, it will affect the accuracy and effectiveness of the drilling. One way this happens is rapidly inserting and closing the bit holder without making sure it is tight or straight. This could lead to injuries if the bit doesn’t hold while drilling.

The bit could also break or bend while drilling. A properly set bit doesn’t wobble while it is running. If it does wobble, remove the bit and set it again.

  1. Avoid Electrical Injuries

One of the unfortunate accidents that might occur while operating a power drill is electric shock. This is usually due to exposed wires or loose connections. Double insulated drills are relatively safe; the risk of electric shock is low. While using other power drills, the best way to reduce the risk of electric shock is by using a ground wire. Also, avoid using a damaged prong adapter. A 3-prong adapter is recommended for safe operation.

Also Read: Electrical concerns in older homes

  1. Avoid Drilling into Hard Materials

If you have the option to drill into wood or metal, choose wood. This is an easier material to work with. Drilling into metal isn’t easy. It’s much more riskier. The biggest concern is heat generation. Drilling into metal will generate a lot of heat and the motor might die. Steel is extremely hard to drill into, while copper is easier. It depends on the hardness of the material. Check whether or not your power drill is strong enough to drill through these types of metals.

  1. Check the Drill Regularly for Problems

A power drill might not function properly for several reasons. Dirt could get into the gears and stop it from working. Rust is another concern. If the drill is too rusty, it should be replaced.

Check the speed of the drill to see if there’s any problems. If the drill runs normally, then it can be used. If the drill is slow, take it to a repair shop.

Don’t yank the cord while disconnecting it from the outlet. Avoid carrying the power drill by the cord. Don’t store the cord near sharp edges, heat, or oil. Avoid wet locations. All these problems could cause an accident while operating the power drill.

Also Read: Pros and cons of corded and cordless appliances

More than 2,500 people go to the hospital each year as a result of drill press injuries, according to OSHA. Because of this, OSHA requires employers to provide adequate instruction related to maintenance and handling of power drills. By following these guidelines, injuries can be avoided.



Safety Services Company

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
