How to Make Any Move Simple

Last Updated on March 30, 2022 by Kravelv Spiegel

The biggest mistake that is often made by people who are moving home is that they are focusing too much on the cost of the process. But instead of wasting energy on that, they should do their best to simplify their relocation in any way that they possibly can. This will allow them to move quickly, efficiently and even at a very low price because when you don’t overcomplicate your move, you will not need to deal with any unnecessary details. Most importantly, however, keeping things simple will enable you to enjoy a more pleasant and stress-free relocation.

Moving is more stressful than you think it is

If you have never moved house before, you have little idea of how stressful it can be. No matter how organised or responsible you are, there will be times when you will struggle to stay calm. If you don’t believe us, maybe you will believe the experts. Various surveys show that house relocations can be as stressful as a divorce, job loss, an illness or even the death of a close one. The moving process can become even more stressful when it comes in combination with another major life event. That is why you should be extra careful when you are moving house:

  • For a new job;
  • And having a child on the way;
  • For the very first time;
  • To a new city or country;
  • After a divorce or a breakup;

The stress that comes with a home move can affect not only your mood in a negative way. It will also challenge your immune system. That is because people who are planning a relocation, especially a large-scale one, often need to spend a small fortune in the process and months into the preparation of the move before they actually get to the part when they load the moving van and they head off to their new house. Some of the other unpleasant side effects which your relocation can have on you may lead to temporary hair loss, body weight fluctuations, memory problems and anxiety.

Strange facts on stress and moving:

  • During the period in which people are planning and organising their relocation, they can get so tired and stressed that they report feeling couple of years older than their actual age;
  • Moving does not get easier with time – more than 40% of all second-time movers admit that their first relocation was more stress-free compared to their second one;
  • 20% of all people describe moving home as the most stressful experience that they have ever had in their lives;
  • The greatest cause of stress when moving home is related to doubts about whether the new house will turn out to be suitable enough for the person or family that is moving;

Tips that will help you simplify your relocation

Even the most complicated challenges have a simple solution and that is a statement which is also valid for house moves. Almost all steps of any property relocation can be executed two times faster, cheaper and easier if you don’t get carried away with the details. Make things simple and your entire move will be simple too.

Plan a purge

The more items you need to pack and transport, the more difficult the move will be. So, why don’t you just get rid of some of your stuff? Certainly, there are many clothes in your wardrobe which are now out-of-style and many items that you have not worn in ages. Think about it – if you have not used something in a year, would there be any point in wasting money on packing and moving it? Just let a friend or a relative have it or sell it. If it is in a bad condition, throw it away and make your relocation simpler.

Use professional help

The simplest strategy which you can adopt when moving home is to find yourself some help. You can ask your family and friends whether they will be able to come over on the moving day itself. But why bother them with all of that when you can simply hire a team of trained movers. Relying on professional moving assistance is no longer expensive, especially given the fact that it is often available with a list of amazing extras such as a fair price matching solution, on-site viewing, cost estimates and personalised quote. Plus, by booking skilled and equipped pros you will ensure that your items will be transported in serviced and clean moving vans. Transit vehicles are safer than ever before since they now have various protection features on board like moving straps, furniture blankets, belts and etc. With them, the movers will stabilise and secure each of your possessions so that they will not break during the transportation. What is more, you will have the chance to get access to all sorts of additional services – from furniture assembling to packing and storage. Even if you are planning a small home move, you will still be able to take advantage of such professional help because reputable moving businesses own vans and trucks in various sizes which is why they are usually available for relocations of any scale and character. Just make sure you find yourself a reliable removal service that goes hand in hand with full insurance coverage and a 100% quality guarantee. Only then will you enjoy a super simple yet effective house move.

You may not need to buy any moving boxes

Do not rush into buying various types of packing materials and cardboard boxes. There are simpler and cheaper alternative solutions on which you can rely. For instance, you can pack some of your possessions like TVs, vacuum cleaners and other electric appliances using their original packaging. Also, you can easily get free boxes from your local grocery store. However, do inspect each of the boxes for stains and unpleasant odours. Otherwise, you risk damaging your own possessions.

No matter whether you choose to organise your move alone, with the help of friends or to leave in the hands of qualified movers, let simplicity reign and don’t burden yourself with too many tasks.

Video on Moving Home with the Experts: Packing made simple with expert tips

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furniture, plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
