Last Updated on April 14, 2022 by Kravelv
Shower enclosures are a great addition for your bathroom as it adds elegance and illusion of space which is welcome for smaller toilets and baths. Just like other home enmities that you use every day, it can become dirty in the long run. This necessitates the a clean-up. But before you grab, your cleaning armaments, consider the following tips.
Clean regularly
Many people do not realize the importance of this aspect. Remember that you will be using your bathroom every day, and each day it is exposed to elements that can ruin proper functionality of enclosure.
Water is the number enemy here. Glass and water do not really do well in the long run. Water may not damage the glass but it can ruin the sparkling appearance of your enclosure. As you shower these glass panels will be splashed with loads of water. Most of these will just slide off but some will cling on the surface. Eventually, water narks will start to form which can be quite irritating to look at.
With that, it pays that you wipe that excess water away from the surface just after you shower. This is also the best time to do that as these particles are loosened enough because of the moisture and heat thus it is easier to deal with. You don’t need to do that every day but if possible, it is advisable to further lessen your worries. Practicing a regular cleaning schedule will also update you about some other possible problems with your enclosure.

Oil the hinges and other fittings
Although you can have a design with very minimal metal fittings, it is almost impossible to have without one in it. And metal with water does not go well together. Even stainless steel is used for most of the applications here, corrosion is ever-present.
The types that have moving metal parts like hinges are especially affected by this. Over time these hinges will be filled with water particles which can lead to calcium deposits together with soap suds. This can lead to a poor operation which is detrimental to the longevity of the parts itself.
Oiling is the most basic strategy to counter this. And this works in two-folds. First, it lubricates the moving parts maintaining a smooth operation. Then as oil and water do not go well together, it acts as a barrier to prevent the water from penetrating the metal surfaces.
But don’t overdo do it as oil can be a nasty thing to have on your glass. It can be stubborn to clean with. What you can here is to apply a small amount every two weeks or so just to keep the moisture in check. You can even do this over the non-moving metal parts. Simply pour a small amount then wipe it off. That thin layer should be enough to counter your daily grind.
To further add to your list of the solution you opt to use WD-40 to clean that rut from your metal fittings. This by lubricating the metal parts and loosening rust. It also draws moisture out so it’s effective in preventive rust formation in the first place. But remember to wipe it off after as rust flowing on your glass panels is very unsightly to look at as well.
Use the right tools
Even with other jobs or cleaning up, using the right tools helps a lot. The basic steps in cleaning other types of glass panels are applicable to shower enclosures as well. If you have a very huge panel you want to use a squeegee. But smaller ones just soft cloth would do the job.
It is preferred to use a soft cloth as harder fabrics can actually damage the glass surface. And let your tool do the and just guide it. Never try to overdo it by pressing the cloth too hard over the surface. This can create tension over the areas where the fittings are located which can lead to cracks.
Remember to let it “soak” first before you start wiping off the water formations for an easier rinse later on.
Abrasives and cleaning agents?
As much as possible avoid abrasives. Look at it as the last resort if all other efforts did not really do any good. Using abrasives such as a scrubbing pad will leave small scratches that will be permanently etched on the glass surface. These scratches will make it easier for the water to cling which can lead to having a harder time to clean up later on.
If it needs to be, an alternative scrubbing pad is a soft brush. This will help agitate the water formation on the surface which can aid in your cleaning regimen. Also, an old toothbrush is a good choice in cleaning out the harder to reach areas like metal fittings. Brushing it off will be a lot easier.
If more help is needed you may use cleaning agents. But it would prefer to make use of natural alternatives like vinegar and lemon juice. Both of these are acids which can help dissolve minerals found on the glass surface. You add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to a half glass of water then apply in generously in the area to be cleaned. If that’s not enough, make use of an undiluted vinegar of lemon juice and let it sit for about a minute then wipe off the area.
But be very careful when using acids. When your metal fittings will have exposure to these agents, it can corrode the metal surface which can lead to discoloration or even formation of rust as the outer surface is already damaged.
Leave the door open
Many times, homeowners close their bathroom enclosure after using. This may appear as a harmless practice but it can make your cleaning regimen harder. After a shower, there will hot air and moisture in your bathroom. This can linger there for quite a while which cling to your enclosure.
And when that happens you can find yourself looking at a dirty piece of glass in the evening. For that, you have to let that air and moisture out by opening the enclosure. This might not solve your cleaning woes but will lessen your hard work when doing it.
Author Bio:

Lowell has been a ghostwriter and blogger for 5 years. He enjoys writing topics in health, fitness, mental health, and home DIY. He is also an active writer in You may visit his page @