Last Updated on November 28, 2022 by Kravelv
Heating oil is safer, more efficient, and lets you save more money in the long term. Here’s how you become a greener heating oil user.
Heating oil can potentially burn about 300 degrees more than natural gas. This translates to more heating power and efficiency compared to other alternatives like electricity or natural gas. In face, a one-gallon oil contains an energy of 125,000 BTU which is significantly higher compared to 20,160 BTU per pound of natural gas and 84,250 BTU/gallon of propane.

On the other hand, all these benefits can only go so far if it’s not environmentally friendly. The most important part of using any technology is to consider its environmental impact. For this reason, we gathered some of the best ways to lessen your carbon footprint without compromising your comfort, security, and savings.
Heating oil facts:
Oil has a capacity of about 140,000 BTU of heat per gallon. Gas has less than 100,000 BTU on a single gallon. However, you can burn about 40% more natural gas just to get the same amount of heat from oil.
Furthermore, a well-maintained oil furnace will more likely last for 30 years while a gas furnace can only go about 14 years. In addition, heating oil is more sensible. That’s because it’s environmentally friendly, non-toxic, biodegradable and doesn’t contain carcinogens.
Use a premium-grade oil
The team from BoilerJuice US notes that, “Premium quality oils contain only the necessary ingredients that can potentially reduce carbon footprints or soot deposits in your central heating boiler system. This allows the boiler to stay cleaner for longer periods.”
As a result, it increases your boiler’s efficiency – lowering carbon emissions while letting you burn your fuel effectively and efficiently. Efficiency often translates to saving money in the long term.
Allows double glazing
Double glazing helps maintain heat inside your home. In fact, an average home loses an estimated 30% of cooling and heating energy because of leaks in windows and doors. Moreover, it’s essential to fix the leaks with the right kind of chalks and foams.
If possible try to get in bigger quantities
Ordering small quantities of oil frequently tends to increase carbon emissions. You should realize that the couriers and delivery operations consume more fuel if you order in small batches frequently. So when purchasing oil from companies like Woolley Home Solutions, always order a larger amount which also tends to be cheaper than regular top-ups, saving you money.
However, when you order in large quantities fewer deliveries and manpower are required. As a result, it lowers carbon footprints even just by making the decision to have a steady supply in larger amounts but on a few occasions. You can Get a price quote today! And see if that’s the best bet for you.
Add appropriate insulation
Have the mindset to opt for the recommended 270mm Loft insulation. This will allow you to save up to $230 annually while limiting the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere to the barest minimum.
On the other hand, you can also choose cavity wall insulation. It’s an excellent way to reserve energy inside your home. Also, you can get an estimated $190 savings annually.
Use a timer
You don’t have to keep your heating running all the time. It’ll be a big help if you only turn on your heating system just before your arrival. Using a timer thermostat will help you do this task. It’s also a great way to lessen your carbon emissions and save money on unused heating oil expenses.