Last Updated on November 3, 2021 by Kravelv Spiegel
Nothing can beat the satisfying feeling of finally finding a house that will reverberate with your style, personality, and identity. But even though a particular home might seem appealing to you, there are still many things to consider. Having a home that you can call yours can take a lot of commitment, energy, and effort. As such, it’s only fitting to be logical by having a checklist with you.
We understand that knowing what you’ll need to look for when it comes to a candidate home for you might be a bit annoying at first, but it’s a necessity nonetheless. Getting a mortgage loan for a home and buying a property is not a joke, and the last thing you’ll want is not getting your money’s worth for your new property.
Making Final Decisions
But right before you close that deal on getting that dream home that you’ve always wanted to settle down with you and your family, it’s essential first to consider these factors. Many of these factors can affect negotiations and the overall value of the home that you want. Here’s what you’ll need to know.
Does the Home Have Underlying Problems and Pests?
First and most importantly, one of the essential factors that you’ll need to be aware of is that most homes are built to withstand different elements of nature. Structural problems and pests should be your priority when inspecting a home. In most cases, a clogged gutter system, warped shingles on your roof, and molds that you see on wooden supporting structures are tell-tale signs that there are underlying problems with the house’s structural integrity.
The same can be said when it comes to pests. Termites can cause problems with wooden structures and even the home’s foundations. This is especially more concern over the fact that many termites will burrow deep into wooden structures, so it’s hard to tell if certain parts of the home are just “in good condition” or will need replacement.
Still, health and safety should be your priority in this situation. If you’re living in a humid area that experiences a good amount of rain every year, pests like mosquitoes can cause health problems, especially when they are known for carrying vector-borne diseases. Fortunately, many professional mosquito control service can help you address breeding grounds of mosquitoes and other types of pests that could be a problem to you and your family.
How Old Is the Home?
Another critical factor that you’ll need to weigh in on is the age of the home. Although there are many homes, especially traditional ones, that can withstand the test of time; some homes need some work to be done. It’s essential to keep in mind that each construction material will have its own unique properties and have its own lifespan.
For instance, cheaper construction materials won’t necessarily have the same quality as those that fetch a higher price. Although aesthetics is still a key factor towards the overall cost and value of the home, it’s best to also think about the home’s functionality. Remember: there’s more to homes than just being pretty. On average, a home will have a lifespan of around 20 to 40 years. Although, this will depend on the materials that are being used. The general rule of thumb is that the higher the quality of the construction materials used, the longer the lifespan.
That said, ask questions regarding the home’s structural integrity and what construction materials are being used. If possible, you could also ask for a comprehensive history of repairs and maintenance work done to the home. You’ll need to be keen to detail with this since repairs and replacements can be expensive. This is especially true when it comes to roofing replacements since this can cost thousands of dollars. Many homebuyers don’t do any background research on the home’s history and instantly regret it when replacing a significant aspect.
What Changes Can You Make in the Future?
Lastly, one of the significant aspects you’ll need to ask yourself about your new home is if you’ll still like it in the long run. It’s essential to keep in mind that retail satisfaction is only fleeting, and sooner or later, you’ll want more from your dream home. If this is the case, you’ll want a house with a good amount of legroom, which can help you with renovations in the future.
Are you planning on extending your patio? Want more space for vehicles in your garage? Do you want your living room to have more space for furniture and devices? These are just some questions that you’ll need to ask yourself.
As you can see, there are many factors to your home that you’ll need to consider other than the price and the current condition of the local real estate market. Just like when you’re buying products, you’ll need to do your own research to ensure that you’re getting a good deal out of it.
The last thing that you’ll want is knowing that you’ve just closed a deal on getting home, and you start noticing some issues that you could have expected during the negotiation phase.