Home inspection – Biggest Reasons Why You Must Opt For It

Last Updated on November 3, 2021 by Kravelv

Are you looking forward to buying a property in Spokane? If yes, do not sign up for the deal without performing a home inspection of such property. Home inspection has become the need of the hour for all the buyers. This procedure helps them to decide whether the property they are interested in is worth buying or not. 

Home inspection brings peace of mind when you sign the contract of sales with the buyer. Inspecting the home and then figuring out all the details help you decide whether to make or break the agreement. A decision based on facts from the home inspection report also helps you for future upkeep. 

So why is the process of home inspection vital? 

The goal of any home inspection is twofold. Firstly, it allows you to examine the overall condition of the property that you are interested in. You can check the structural soundness of the house, its mechanical systems, ups, downs, and other important aspects. Secondly, a home inspection also brings all kinds of problems in the property to the attention of the seller so that all these issues could be resolved mutually before signing the sales agreement. 

Thus, before buying a property in Spokane, we advise you to have a word with the seller or the realtor about home inspection. This clause is a must-have in your sales agreement. 

Home inspection – What Is Included? 

A comprehensive inspection thoroughly investigates elements such as internal plumbing, floors, electrical connections, air conditioning and heating system, roof, visible insulation, condition of the walls, doors, basement, external systems, every other aspect of the property. 

A professional who carries out a home inspection is called a home inspector. Both the buyer or the seller may hire a home inspector for the inspection of the property. The inspector then carries out a home inspection on the decided date. Upon the completion of the inspection, a report is prepared by the inspector which is then submitted to the buyer and the seller. This report points out both the positive and the negative aspects of the property along with coining out the scope of improvement and the point of maintenance that may be important to keep such property in its pristine form.  

The report of home inspection then helps to decide the real value of the property. The duration of the home inspection may vary according to the size of the property. On average, any home inspection takes place for 4-5 hours. 

Benefits of a thorough inspection: 

The true importance of home inspection can also be observed by looking into its following advantages: 

  1. A proper home inspection gives you red flags about the concerned property. You can peep into the defects in the property that may turn into a potential threat in near future. 
  2. The process of a home inspection may as well keep your wallet safe while buying the property. If you come across multiple flaws, you can either talk to the seller about repairing such property or tell him to reduce its overall price. 
  3. A close home inspection helps you calculate extra costs and expenses that you might have to incur for the repairs that further help you plan ahead. 
  4. Once you have fully read the report of a home inspection, you can form a sound decision about the investment. You end up feeling more confident about the purchase. 


Whether it is a residential property, holiday home, or commercial property, it is always advised to opt for a home inspection. We further suggest you choose a reputable and qualified inspection firm or professional to do the needful. 

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
