Getting to Know Sliding Windows: The Pros

Last Updated on February 24, 2022 by Kravelv

Sliding windows, also known as gliding windows, are commonly seen in modern homes because of their simple and sleek appearance. As their name suggests, they operate by being slid, moving along a track for a window panel to open or close. Typically, sliding windows feature one fixed and one movable panel, but it is also possible for both sashes to be operable depending on your chosen configuration.

What Makes Sliding Windows Attractive?

One of the best things about sliding windows is that they usually feature unobstructed glass areas, allowing for great outdoor views. But while this feature makes them akin to picture windows, they are better because sliding windows can be opened or closed to facilitate ventilation, letting you control how air circulates in your home.

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At the same time, they are also:

  • Low maintenance. Thanks to their straightforward design, sliding windows are easy to care for and maintain, requiring no more than the usual cleaning to keep everything in shape. You don’t even have to clean them all the time but it is a good idea to schedule a cleaning regularly to prevent dirt from building up and impeding your view and operation of the window. Don’t forget that you can always call on a professional to make maintaining sliding windows even easier for you.
  • Easy to use. As they move along tracks, sliding windows are easy to operate. There are no complex levers or handles to worry about. Just release the latch, give the window a gentle push and you’re good to go. Just make sure that the tracks are kept free of debris at all times and you’ll have no trouble operating sliding windows.

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  • Space-saving. Sliding windows don’t require clearance so you don’t have to worry about ensuring there’s enough room around the window in order to open them. All they’ll require is the length of their frames and sliding windows can be fully utilized.
  • Optimized against air leakage. Top-notch sliding windows from reputable manufacturers feature a design where sashes are made to press firmly against frames when closed to offer optimum protection against air leakage. Keeping air leakage to a minimum is important because that will contribute to stabilizing indoor temperatures, which aids in improving energy efficiency in the home and offering you energy savings.

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  • Flexible. Design-wise, sliding windows offer a number of options. They feature unobstructed glass areas but if you prefer to have grilles or muntins, for instance, your sliding windows can have those. You can also specify how big you want your sliding windows to be and choose from a range of color options to complement your home perfectly.

Making the Most Out of Sliding Windows

Sliding windows have a lot to offer but you’ll only truly make the most out of getting them by working with a trusted contractor, who can not only provide you with quality window units but reliable craftsmanship as well. Get to know sliding windows even more by talking to your local contractor today.


Author Bio:

Chelsea Rokusek is Marketing Manager at Renewal by Andersen of Phoenix.


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

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