Five Reasons You Should Choose Polished Concrete

Last Updated on March 14, 2022 by Kravelv

Gone are the days of a simple choice between wall-to-wall carpet, tile, or hardwood floors for your home or business. Polished concrete is also becoming a go-to choice for many home and business owners thanks to its unique style and durability. It can even end up saving you money on your utility bills. Here are five reasons why you should choose polished concrete for your home:

1. Polished Concrete Floors Are Beautiful

Today’s concrete floors go far beyond a slab of boring, gray cement. There are many beautiful and stylish options available to take your concrete floors to another level. Adding polished concrete can be as simple as polishing the existing concrete slab in your home. Or you can also have a professional company pour a decorative overlay. There are also etching techniques and dyes available that can make your flooring even more unique.


2. Concrete Floors Are Durable

Sealed concrete floors are incredibly durable. In fact, they are even built to withstand fire and water damage. They are also stain-proof and resistant to bacteria and odors too. Basically, they can take whatever comes their way and remain in good condition. You can help your concrete floors last even longer by making sure they are properly sealed and installed only by a professional. You will also need to have them resealed regularly as part of their maintenance schedule.

3. Endless Decorative Options

There are a ton of options for how to use concrete floors to make a statement in your home. You can polish the floors repeatedly until they take on a glassy appearance, which is especially beautiful in living rooms and kitchens. Another option is to create a troweled texture. You can also stamp or score the concrete to create a patterned design, which can make it look as though it’s tiled. Concrete Your Way has a beautiful portfolio of work that can give you ideas of how to use polished concrete floor in your home or office.


4. Concrete Floors Are an Eco-Friendly Option

Concrete flooring is a green choice for your home or business. This is because concrete requires less energy to produce and it also doesn’t deplete any natural resources. Concrete flooring can also be recycled, which eliminates the waste seen with other types of flooring that can’t be re-used. It can also save you money on your cooling and heating costs because of its ability to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Fresh Home included concrete flooring amongst their list of the best eco-friendly flooring options.

5. Concrete Floors Are Very Easy To Clean


One of the best features of concrete flooring is how easy it is to clean. Polished concrete is stain resistant, mold and mildew resistant, and waterproof. It is nearly impossible to harm them unless the concrete isn’t properly installed and re-sealed regularly. Simply sweep or vacuum and mop regularly to keep them in great shape. You can also use gentle cleaners, such as a mixture of vinegar and water.

Final Words

Polished concrete floors are the perfect flooring option for your home or business. You can’t go wrong with it thanks to its durability and ability to save you money. Plus the options for how to make it fit your unique style are truly endless. Take a look at Pinterest for ideas on how you can add polished concrete flooring to your home. Happy decorating!

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook