Last Updated on December 14, 2022 by Kravelv
The simple truth is that there are not enough dedicated properties for disabled people. Although hundreds of thousands of properties are built every year, the majority of these are created to a standard plan without considering the needs of disabled people.

On the plus side, that means a savvy investor can start investing in properties and making them disabled-friendly. They won’t just have a large customer base, disabled people are less likely to move if they have all the features they need.
Naturally, this can be a complicated field. It’s best to get help from professionals. NDIS property investment is one of the best places to start.
You also need to be aware of what design features are essential for disability-friendly houses.
Entrance Points
It’s obvious but often overlooked. If you want to provide a home for people with disabilities they need to be able to get into the property. That means eliminating outside steps and adding ramps. Don’t forget, the ramps shouldn’t be too steep and, they aren’t just useful for disabled people, people with mobility issues will also appreciate this type of entry. You’ll need to make the ramps wide enough for wheelchairs and ensure they have appropriate handrails.
Inside, this means adding a stairlift to the stairs or even replacing them with a lift.
Wide Doorways
People in wheelchairs and with mobility issues will appreciate wider doorways. As most internal walls are not load-bearing it is surprisingly easy to widen them all. Of course, it can be more difficult if the doorway is part of a load-bearing wall but it is still possible.
Wet Rooms
One of the best options for bathrooms is to make them into wet rooms. Naturally, you’ll need high-quality non-slip floors. But, this will remove the steps, specifically into showers and reduce the trip hazards in the room. It’s also surprisingly easy to clean.
Change The Floors
Carpet is not a good option for people with mobility issues, especially those in a wheelchair. It’s advisable to eliminate all carpets and replace them with wooden floors. Hardwood flooring is the most durable but any type of wood floor will do. It’s easy to keep clean and much better to move across with a wheelchair or walker.
Consider Countertop Heights
If you are creating a house for a wheelchair-bound person then you need to lower the countertops in the kitchen. Ideally, create a dedicated section where the wheelchair can slide under the countertop, allowing the user perfect access to the counter. It’s best to keep cupboards separate and at a low level, making it easy for anyone in a wheelchair to access everything.
Make It A Smart Home
It’s easy to hook all your appliances into your home network. Set your investment property up this way and anyone in the house can control everything from an app on their phone. That’s a much easier way to handle lights and heating without the risk of injuring themselves.
Naturally, if you have a specific tenant in mind you can make additional changes to accommodate their specific needs. It will make you a good landlord and it is highly unlikely that your tenant will want to move.