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5 Factors That Affect Your Roof’s Overall Condition

Your roof provides exterior protection from the elements, helps preserve temperatures inside your home, lowers energy usage, and enhances curb appeal. It’s not surprising then that you would want to keep it as functional as possible. To do that, however, you have to first understand what factors affect your roof’s condition. These include:

1. Weather Conditions

The elements can do a number on your roof over time, but the rate at which it will happen depends on your roofing material, as well as weather conditions in your area. More specifically, certain weather conditions affect your roof in certain ways.

Weather conditions can do anything from warping shingles to causing leaks in your roof.

2. Material Choices

Your roof’s longevity generally hinges upon your choice of roofing material. Some materials are better suited to long-term functionality, while others have a longer product life cycle. Here is an overview of the projected life expectancy of roofing materials.

Different roofing materials have differing product life cycles; asphalt has the lowest life expectancy, while slate and tile can both last up to a hundred years.

3. Installation

Your roof is as good as its installation. Regardless of how pretty your roof looks on paper, it’ll likely fail if not installed properly. Thus, poor roof installation can also play a huge factor in the eventual breakdown of the entire roofing system. If your contractor did a botched up job, your roof will surely sport issues. Some of the potential problems you might deal with include:

4. Roof Ventilation

Roof vents also play a role in preserving the integrity of your roofing system. According to the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association, installing vents is the most common and time-tested way to minimize moisture problems in attics. Without enough attic ventilation, your home can’t eliminate indoor moisture nor fight to overheat. An unvented attic, for instance, will store heat that can damage the shingles. Combined with moisture, this can warp and damage your roof deck. High humidity also triggers condensation that can rot your roof deck and cook your roof shingles at the same time. And the problem doesn’t just occur during summer when the weather is hot. Improper roof ventilation can lead to issues for your roof year round. 

Improper roof ventilation is an issue that affects your roof throughout the year.

5. Poor Roof Maintenance

Regular roof maintenance should never be considered a waste of money. Ensure that your roof system is checked every three to five years. If you think the snow or storm may have damaged your roof, it’s time to get it checked by a professional. Remember that it’s better to address damages right away than wait for it to accumulate more damages. Roof damage can usually lead to mold growth, which is an expensive problem to deal with when not immediately given attention. Most roof problems happen due to a lack of regular roof maintenance.

Cracked or broken flashing is one common roofing problem that leads to leaking. Flashing is designed to seal penetration points and valleys in your roof, so any damage may make it less effective in keeping water away from your home.   

The Importance of Roofing Maintenance           

Routine maintenance helps prevent roofing issues from escalating, as well as protects your home from irreparable damage. There are two types of maintenance that a homeowner should look into, and they are both important:

Getting the Right Help

Keeping your roof at its best is best done with a professional roofer. Opting to do it yourself will save you initial costs, but a trained eye will know what to look for to get you bigger savings down the road. For instance, if you’re already seeing problems owing to your area’s weather conditions, your experienced roofer will be able to advise you as to the best course of action to take. If your roof needs better ventilation, too, having the assistance of a professional will make the process conclude more successfully.

Your roof is an important part of your home so it deserves the best level of care you’ll be able to provide.Click To Tweet

By investing in hiring a reputable roofing contractor, you’ll not only address the problem at hand but also ensure you’re making the most of your investment. To learn more about how you can better take care of your roof, don’t hesitate to give your local roofing expert a call today.


Author Bio:

Earl Johnston started Earl W. Johnston Roofing in 1986. With more than 30 years of experience in the industry, he is committed to providing top-quality products and workmanship to all his customers. He’s certainly learned a lot over the years and this has helped him keep his passion for offering the best roofing solutions around remains alive. For updates from Earl, check out the company blog!


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