How Energy Efficient Replacement Windows Save You Money

Last Updated on March 30, 2022 by Kravelv Spiegel

As we continue through one of the coldest and snowiest winters on record, we can’t each help but dread receiving our utility bills each month. Worse yet, we know that after a brief respite from the high winter utility bills, we face equally high air-conditioning bills to beat the heat and humidity of summer. If this sounds like you, then read on to learn how energy efficient replacement windows can save you money.

A Quick Look At Energy Efficient Replacement Windows

You might be asking yourself two questions. First, you might wonder why energy efficient replacement windows are superior to your current windows. Second, you may be curious about the technology that makes replacement windows so efficient.

First, energy efficient replacement windows are better than your old windows because of the efficiency that’s part of their very title. The investment you make will save you in utility savings from the very minute they are installed! In addition, they add beauty and value to your home.

Second, the technology that makes energy efficient windows so incredible is the two-pronged protection from the elements that they offer you. They are engineered to block drafts (cold or hot) from entering your home from the outside. In addition, they lock the heated air into your home and prevent it from seeping out.

5 Ways That Energy Efficient Windows Save You Money

  1. Savings on your heating and cooling your home. As mentioned earlier, you’ll save money from on your heating and cooling bills right from the outset. What you may not realize is how dramatic the savings really can be. Here’s an example. EnergyStar reports that if you’re replacing a single pane window, you can save between $126 to $465 annually. The variables that impact this include the size of your home and the region where you live.
  2. Save on the cost of maintaining and replacing your HVAC system. Your HVAC system is just like any other mechanical equipment. The more it runs, the more wear and tear on the system. Replacing your windows means that your home will remain snug and free of drafts, and your system will have less demand for use. In turn, your HVAC system will need less frequent repairs and it will experience a longer lifespan. This can save you thousands of dollars in the long-term.
  3. Decrease the money you spend on window maintenance. If you have older or original single pane windows in your home, they are likely set in wood frames. Every year or two, you should be performing routine maintenance to keep those old windows secure. You probably need to scrape old paint, remove old caulking, re-caulk, and paint the frames and trim. These materials cost you money every year. In addition, this is the time you could be spending on other pursuits.
  4. Lower your homeowner insurance premiums. Some homeowner insurers will give you discounts for security measures. These can include certain window locks and shatter-resistant glass. That discount for shatter-resistant glass can increase if you live in a zone prone to earthquakes or hurricanes. Ask your insurer about their requirements before you finalize your window purchase. These discounts are usually nominal, but they can add up over several years.
  5. Reduce the amount of money you spend on replacement flooring. Your flooring is subjected to the damaging UV rays of the sun every day! Have you even moved a couch near a window and found the flooring beneath to look brand new? That’s because that area was shaded by the couch, so it retained its original color. It doesn’t matter whether you have carpet, hardwoods, or vinyl, the sun has no mercy. Older windows don’t contain UV protection. New ones have low-E glass that protects your flooring from the damage of fading.

How Do I Know If I Need Replacement Windows?

According to Forbes Magazine, it’s easy to tell when it’s time to replace your old windows. Inspect your windows to see if they fog up, have cracks, broken frames, let in drafts, or are difficult to open or close. When these problems develop, call a professional window company for guidance.


In summary, energy efficient replacement windows are an investment. Over a period of a few years, you will see substantial savings that will offset the cost of that investment. But immediately, you will have peace of mind knowing that you have protected your family’s comfort and increased the security of your home.


Author Bio:

A native Bostonian, guest post author Matt Rotondi owns Zen Windows of Boston. Matt loves helping people select new windows with an approach that’s educational rather than a sales pitch. Matt’s no salesman” approach makes him Boston’s favorite window professional.


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furniture, plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
