Some Easy Procedures To Clear The Issues Of Blocked Drain!

Last Updated on March 22, 2022 by Kravelv Spiegel

Clogged drain of kitchen, sink and other pipes are concerning matters and creates lots of problems. It is problematic in the course of health, hygiene and others. You may experience leaking water due to blocked drain from the pipes which may result in a mess. For cutting down such issues, you can take the help of a plumber as well. But as the plumber charges more, you can regularly maintain it by way of cleaning and maintaining through DIY methods.

When you flush out the garbage through your drainage system, huge amount of debris and garbage get deposited inside the drain and they clog the drain instantly. You need to identify this portion and you have to plug out the deposited garbage from the drain. In this regards you can apply some hot water with vinegar to clean your drain or you can use some hanger to pull out all the garbage. But it is suggested to hire some blocked drain clearing professionals because they can clean your drain in a scientific process.

How do you clean your blocked drain with the help of DIY methods?

If you notice few symptoms related to clogged drain, you can follow some steps, which are easy and can be done in better way. It has many advantages and one can save from the heavy costs of the plumbers. It is always an urgent need to clear the drain as soon as possible.

  • With wet and dry vacuum: One of the terrific tools of cleaning and clearing the clogged drain is the soap vacuum. Following required steps, you can pull all the unwanted materials that have stuck into the pipe and resulted in blockage. Sometimes it does not work when the materials are big in size. In that case you can take the help of plumbers too.
  • Special DIY grease: There are many materials present in house, which can be used for cleaning blocked drain. You can make grease by mixing various materials or just make some non-corrosive household materials, which are easy to make and use. You can use them on regular basis so that there is frequent cleaning and no blockage or clogging appears. But it is suggested to avoid harmful chemicals because you do not know the process of applying these chemicals and your health will be affected by these chemicals.
  • Baking Soda and vinegar: In hot boiling water, you can add quantified amount of baking soda and vinegar as per the necessary procedure. It is widely accepted method and is easy to prepare and use and also helps in clearing the drainage in a quick manner.
  • Wire hanger: Another method is to clean the blocked pipe with the help of wire hanger. You can wind and unwind the hanger, which is in the form of wire in any manner for any type of cleaning. So now just push the wire in the drainage system, and try to plug out all deposited garbage from the drain.

How to clean the blocked drain with hot water and detergent?


One should add boiling water in the sink and kitchen on regular basis. It prevents any type of further drainage issues and growth of unwanted germs and insects near it. Adding boiled water is the easiest and quickest way of clearing the blocked drain.

If there is any blockage in the toilet or pipe, add some dish detergent and boiling water. It acts as lubricating agent, breaks the sticky material into greasy parts, and separates them with clear drainage system. So now, you can clean the drain with hot water and detergent. But all of these processes can provide you initial relief. It is suggested to hire some professionals who can clean the drain completely.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furniture, plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
