From Ordinary to Awesome: 4 Design Ideas for Patios

Last Updated on May 16, 2022 by Kravelv Spiegel

How many years have you been thinking about doing something with that old patio that looks all the worse for wear? Even though you still sit out there to enjoy the cool night air in the heat of the summer, you still wish you had the ambition to do something about it. As it is, the only things to see are the stars in the sky and a few random butterflies that are brave enough to venture out into the night. This is the year! Make that patio pop. You can go from ordinary to awesome with these 4 design ideas.

stone floored patio

1. Begin With a Thorough Pressure Cleaning

Before you can do anything at all, you need to take years of built-up dust and debris from all the nooks and crannies. If you don’t have a pressure washer, they can be rented at most hardware stores, and depending on the size of your patio, you should be able to complete that step in just a day.

2. Line the Wall with Vertical Planters

There is always one wall that lines the house and oddly, few people think of adding any bit of décor to that. Vertical planters were actually intended as a way to grow more plants in a small space but somewhere along the way, those planters became quite trendy. Now some of them are a work of art. You can find tiered planters and box vertical planters, but both have their strong points. Whether you choose to grow flowers in them, a variety of herbs, or maybe a few vegetables to grace your tables, they add a layer of beauty you can only imagine. In fact, you should check out vertical garden supplies on the Vertical Garden Supply website.

3. Replace the Rail with a Beverage Bar

Another idea would be to replace the banister with a sort of modified beverage/breakfast bar complete with stools. This would be an amazing way to host a few summer barbeques. Hang a few LED lanterns or something similar along the patio roof or fascia and you’ve just lit up the night with a bit of ambient radiance. It would also make a great way to show off your beautiful and very creative vertical garden. You might even start a new trend in your neighborhood.

4. Add Texture with Patio Rugs

One more thing you might want to do is give your patio a bit of texture with patio rugs. These are indoor/outdoor rugs that won’t be affected by the weather and some styles are absolutely stunning. They can function as ways to keep the dirt and sand out of the home as you make your reentry while adding a bit of charm to your newly renovated patio.

There are actually so many things you can do but if you really want your patio to pop, focus on those plants in your vertical garden. Whether decorative or edible, they will be the one focal point that draws it all together.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furniture, plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
