Create a Vintage-style Bedroom

Last Updated on February 14, 2022 by Kravelv Spiegel

Decorating a bedroom after your own heart can be an ambitious enterprise. Nevertheless, making your living and sleeping space comfortable and harmonious for you is hardly unimportant. Even scientist are claiming that there is a distinct link between room designs and our state of mind. There is something soothing about the look our nanas’ rooms that makes us feel safe and tucked in, and it doesn’t have to be as hard to accomplish. If contemporary trends appear to you as a bit minimalistic and lacking warmth, and you’d fancy some old school style from the past times, you should give vintage a try. Read on to see how.

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Prior to embarking on this exciting adventure calculate the potential expenditures. You might get caught in a buzz and overlook the prices and quantity of some items purchased. Think about the exact style you want to achieve, a modern twist on vintage patterns with antique accessories, or you want the entire room fashioned after a look from the olden days? Decide on the realistic max sum necessary before you take the first step and work from there. Save some extra for unexpected repairs or unique items you may encounter late in the process.

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Aggressive contours are definitely out when the overall manner of the room is concerned. Seek to achieve the effect of flowing lines in your sleeping residence. Since mild silhouettes go perfectly with the desired layout, contemplate obtaining a vanity with carved, sinuous ornaments, a modest rocking chair or an old-epoch styled footrest.

Tints and patterns

Vintage style is quite soft spoken, and so are its colors. Materials in baby blue, ivory and the light shade of pink or green are almost indispensable. Pattern wise, florals are to be held in high regard. Still, try not to go overboard with it, limit patterns to certain corners of the room and keep it discreet, in details. Remember to follow these guidelines in other aspects of furnishing, such as wallpapers and curtains.

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Coating and scenery setting

Again, what you should have in mind is to stay in the natural color range. A wooden floor with a light finish is totally spot on. Alternatively, you can buy an all-covering carpet in cream or snowy hue which provides that cushion like sensation when you step on it. If this is what you’re searching for, you will fall in love with the shaggy rugs. They are a lovely marriage between what’s in today and a vintage friendly piece, and they would make a wonderful contribution to your bedroom interior.

Furniture and smaller details

Two words: simple and coherent. Furnish your room with the main pieces such as bed, drawers, closet, a desk and chairs. Wooden bed might be your first choice, but bronze/gold wrought iron bedframes are equally topical. Paint it over if you want to create a softer impression. Elegant and gentle fabrics would fit nicely with the décor. Think Egyptian cotton for comfort, lace for the effect and wool to bring the coziness. Homemade blankets are ever so delightful and effective. Invest in cushions, jewelry boxes, old photo frames and other relevant details for their non-intrusive but complementary role.

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The vital touch

To seal the deal, distress an item or two to gain the near authentic old era look. It’s simple, affordable and cleverly befitting. In short, you should sand the selected item, coat it with good primer and paint it in seashell, ghost white or some other pale color of your choice. Give the edges a bit of sandpaper treatment to lock that worn out look.

The light

Create the air of the eras passed by with a lighting maneuvers. The proper illumination plays a great part in setting a right atmosphere. Employ fancy chandeliers, bedside lamps and wall lights as your allies. Create additional effects with classy mirrors that enlarge the space and lamp accessories like custom lampshades with lace elements.

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Sleeping on a cloud

Plan thoroughly ahead and make the necessary preparations. Set the backdrop with the excellent paintjobs and coating. Equip your room with the simple and appropriate furniture, and add the details to enhance the vintage effect. What remains is to peacefully snuggle in a warm embrace of your new sleeping nest.



Author Bio:

Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in topics related to home improvement, DIY and interior design. Useful information for this article has been kindly provided by Catwalk Rugs.


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furniture, plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

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