Last Updated on February 17, 2022 by Kravelv Spiegel
Regular exercise is important, we all know that, but doing same old activities each and every day can be mentally exhausting. This is why it is always better to resort to some, bit more fun activity. Playing basketball with your friends or on your own is a great way to stay in shape, stay healthy and remain entertained for a longer period of time. Still, going to a distant and often already overcrowded court can be exhausting and demoralizing. This is why it is best to create a genuine courtside in your very own backyard.
Planning the Whole Thing
A simple truth is that when you plan, you need to do so properly. The reason behind this is a fact that even the smallest lapse in the planning stage can cause a serious setback later on in the project. First thing you need to do is measure. Sure, it is great to have a real NBA 94ft x 50ft court in your backyard, but the reality often won’t allow this. Just remember to stay realistic and make your court proportional to what your outdoors can take. Stay true to this and you should have no problems whatsoever.
Choosing the Perfect Hoop
This is never an easy task. There are many things that you need to keep your eye out for, such as the size of the play area, rim height adjustability and, most importantly, your own budget. Of course, it is normal to want all the best for both yourself and your backyard, but this does not mean that you should overburden your budget for the sake of your court. With just enough research there is no doubt that you can find an adequate hoop at adequate price. All you need to do is keep looking for the perfect solution and never give up.
Laying the Foundation
What you also need to remember is that once you start digging for the foundations, it might get harder to dispose of all that unwanted soil than you thought at first. This is why it is a great idea to just level it everywhere across your yard. Once you have this covered, simply place the hoop at the desired area and start pouring the concrete. Weather is paramount here since it takes concrete 36 hours to dry but there are other factors you need to consider as well. These things are issues like future exposure conditions or mixture proportions.
Painting the Lines
As we already mentioned, the planning and preparation stage are the key. Return to your measures from before you started and make the lines proportional. Naturally, since this is all going to take place outside you need the quality paint that can endure exposure to rough weather and constant traffic. Because of this, it is absolutely essential that you get good field marking paint. This will ensure that your court looks fresh and new for ages to come.
It is important to note that this step is completely optional, nevertheless it can help enhance the general atmosphere and significantly increase practicality of your courtside. Add a bench or two at the side so that you can rest if you need it. Additionally, you can always build a high protective fence around in order to keep your wall inside the court at all times. When you come to think of it, your only limitation is your own imagination.
Like Kevin Costner in Field of Dreams, do not allow anything to sway you from the path. An investment into your own backyard court is and investment into your own health, pleasure and enjoyment. This is why, no price in making it come true should be too high to pay and no sacrifice too hard to make. After all, you can never put a price tag on a dream.