Constructing a Small Wine Cellar in Your Home

Last Updated on March 1, 2022 by Kravelv

Everyone who is keen on wine should consider building a small wine cellar in their household. This healthy and soothing drink is believed to boost your mood. Even Benjamin Franklin commented on it being a constant proof how God loves us and loves to see us happy. Therefore, it does not come as striking that you are thinking about constructing a special place in your home to keep and store your favourite potion.

Where should I put it?

First of all, try to find a place in your home that is not directly exposed to sunlight. Of course, you have seen all the connoisseurs of wine keeping it in basements. Wonder no more, you should keep your wine safe at a corner of your house or basement. Of course, the more you have it, the larger room or corner you would need to occupy. You could repurpose an old closet to fit your new needs.

Secondly, avoid too hot and too cold places, because you need to store your beverage at temperature of around 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Also, think in terms of humidity as you do not want your wine to become ruined. Choose humidity level between 50 and 70%, not below or above that scale.

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What size should I opt for and how to store?

You do not need to make your storage as large as Jason’s creek. Wine cellars can occupy just a little space if they are built properly. The amount of bottles you have will limit the size, but think about what is it that you want to include in this storage unit. If you are considering putting matching glasses there and corkscrews, add additional shelves.

When it comes to choosing a style, think about materials such as redwood and mahogany which ideally go with the wine cellars, they look natural and they keep your wine at a cool temperature. If you would like to create a Mediterranean resembling wine cellar, think about placing a themed painting in your favourite new corner of the house. With a right one you would easily drift off to a sunny beach and let your inner spirit unwind while enjoying the wonderful drink.

Sort your shelves according to kinds of wine and rack your storage up immediately with various wines you can purchase. You should consider going for specials that are both tasty and cost-effective.


You can never over insulate or overseal your wine cellar. Go for thicker insulation and place your cellar near a thick wall. Think about installing a door which will help you store the wine at optimal conditions and it will look chic as well. The door must be insulated and sealed.

Pay attention to cooling units you would like to install in order to remove extra humidity from your room, advise the people behind a chain of bottle shops in Sydney CBD, bearing in mind that you may need an additional room, as these units take excess heat from your cellar which they cool and heat another exhaust room.

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Light, please

Carefully choose the lighting. You want your cellar to go from really cool to cool indeed. Use light bulbs that emit not much heat. What you should definitely avoid are halogen bulbs.


Last, but not the least, if you have a valuable collection of wine, you should definitely install some monitoring device to ensure security of the priceless items you possess. As well as locking the door to your cellar, make sure that you invest in an alarm system that will provide you with the peace of mind.

Building a small wine cellar in your home does not take a lot of time, but it needs to carefully pre-thought. No matter how beautiful your favourite place in the house looks, if not built properly, it will be in vain. Cheers!

For more online topics about wines, please visit Sokolin Wines.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
