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The Most Common Interior Wall Problems Homeowners Should Know About

Interior walls are generally seen as an essential part of a home. Although they are not always structural, they are essential to divide the space you have available and create a homely environment.

The interior walls are often overlooked as they don’t appear to be open to the same level of abuse that the exterior walls are. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t have any issues to face. You need to know what the most common interior wall issues are and when they are likely to be serious.

If you are looking to replace or add interior walls it can be a good idea to look at a modern polymer wall system as this can be immune to many of the issues traditional interior walls suffer from.


A crack in an interior wall doesn’t have to be serious, but it can be. You should certainly take a closer look at it. Small cracks, especially on walls that have recently been plastered, are generally a result of the plaster shrinking and drying out. These can be easily filled and the problem resolved.

However, older walls are often made with lath and plaster. These don’t adhere well and you will often notice small and irregular cracks appearing in your walls. You may be able to cut the raised plaster section out and re-secure the laths to the joists before adding new plaster into position. However, in many cases, this isn’t possible and you will be looking at removing the lath and plaster and adding a new layer of plaster to the wall.


A big problem in many existing homes is dampness. This can be the result of a leaking pipe in the walls or because the dampness is rising up from the floor. In either instance your wall will have a damp stain, may feel damp, and the covering will start to disintegrate.

You need to identify the source of the dampness and resolve this before you can try to save the wall or replace it. This can be the hardest issue to solve as you will have to do a fair amount of damage to locate the source of the dampness and then resolve the issue.


Brick walls are very good at offering soundproofing and insulation. However, interior walls are either hollow or contain a single layer of brick. That makes them ineffective as soundproofing which can be an issue inside your home.

Fortunately, this is a fairly easy one to fix, providing the wall itself is in good condition. The easiest solution is to add an insulation layer on one side of the wall. This can be done easily with the polymer framing system. The new wall can be finished to look like the space it is in and you will enjoy the reduction in noise pollution.


Water damage, mold, mildew, and smoke damage can all leave unsightly stains on walls. Homeowners who want to get rid of stains on their walls should investigate to find out how they got there. Mild stains on a wall, for instance, can be cleaned with a solution of water and vinegar or with a professional stain remover. But, you may need the help of a professional cleaner or painter for stubborn stains.

Warped Drywall

Drywall can get warped when it is exposed to water, experiences rapid temperature fluctuations, or is installed incorrectly. Because of the wall’s warping, it may be difficult to hang artwork or mount cabinets evenly. Homeowners can repair warped drywall by replacing the damaged sheet or, for more extensive damage, by hiring a professional.


Homeowners frequently encounter bulging drywall, which may be very ugly since it causes lumps or protrusions on otherwise smooth walls. These bulges may indicate structural concerns in the wall or problems with the installation of the drywall, which might lessen the room’s aesthetic appeal.

Sagging Ceiling

A sagging ceiling may be the result of water damage, structural problems, or just being overloaded. Sagging ceilings can also be caused by insufficient support from joists or beams. In order to repair a sagging ceiling, homeowners must first ascertain the root of the problem. Repairing water damage and reinforcing the ceiling support are two examples that may be used to forestall additional drooping.

Also Read: Drywall Seams Showing in Ceiling

Nail Pops

When a nail head breaks through the drywall and pushes through the surface, it causes a nail to pop. Nail pops might be the consequence of faulty installation methods or the wall’s natural expansion and contraction when the temperature and humidity fluctuate. Homeowners may repair nail pops by removing the offending nail or screw, patching the hole using joint compound, and reattaching the drywall with new fasteners.

Peeling paint

Interiors might lose some of their appeals due to the typical problem of peeling paint. Inadequate surface preparation, the use of low-quality paint, or painting over a moist surface all contribute to poor adhesion, the underlying cause of peeling paint. Homeowners may cure peeling paint by scraping off the loose and flaking paint, sanding the surface, and priming it before painting again.

Of course, holes in internal walls are never a good sign, the sooner you fix this issue the better!

Interior wall problems FAQs

What causes cracks in interior walls?

Foundation settlement, the passage of time, fluctuations in temperature, and sloppy installation are all potential causes of cracks in a structure.

How can I fix peeling paint on my interior walls?

To repair paint that is flaking or peeling, homeowners should scrape off the damaged area, sand it down, and then prime it before painting again.

What causes sagging ceilings?

Water damage, structural damage, an overloaded ceiling, or insufficient support from joists or beams are all potential causes of a sagging ceiling.

How can I remove stains from my interior walls?

Homeowners should first locate the source of the stain before attempting to remove it off the wall. Cleaning the wall with a solution of water and vinegar or using a professional stain remover may be effective for removing light spots. It may be necessary to hire a cleaning or painting service if the staining is extensive.

Can I fix nail pops myself?

Nail pops can be repaired by the homeowner by removing the offending nail or screw, filling the hole with joint compound, and replacing the nail or screw.

What should I do if my drywall is warped?

To repair warped drywall, homeowners can either replace the damaged sheet(s) or hire a professional.

How can I prevent interior wall problems?

Most issues with interior walls may be avoided with routine care and upkeep, such as repairing leaks as soon as they are discovered, ensuring enough ventilation, and keeping humidity levels within a healthy range.


In conclusion, issues with interior walls can vary from barely noticeable fractures to major structural damage. If homeowners don’t take care of these problems right once, they’ll just get worse and cause worse troubles down the road. The root of the issue may determine the best course of action to take. Some issues may be fixed easily by the homeowner, while others need the expertise of a repairman. Most issues with interior walls may be avoided with routine care, leaving you with a house that is both comfortable and aesthetically pleasing.

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