What Fees Will I Pay After a Commercial Property Pest Infestation?

Last Updated on June 24, 2022 by Kravelv

Most commercial properties will take the time to work on commercial pest prevention and removal. They know what a hit they will take if they are not careful with the pests in their property, even though there are many things present that may encourage the pests to come in. For example, restaurants and hospitals often have to worry about pests because of all the food and water that are readily available inside of the building as well. Having a good commercial pest management system in place can help prevent the issues and keep your business and its reputation doing well.

pest control worker

However, there are some commercial property owners who will try to cut costs and will decide to not do the right commercial pest prevention around their properties, or they will attempt to do it themselves. This may seem like a good deal, but there are a good deal of fees and fines that you will need to pay to various places if an infestation does happen on your property. Add to that the loss of income while being closed and the loss of reputation before and after you reopen, and you may see a large hit to your business.

There are a lot of different fees that you may have to pay when you have a pest infestation in your commercial property. Some of these include:

Government and Local Fees

The first fees that you will need to pay after a pest infestation will be government and local fines. Some of these will go to the new health inspections that you will need to handle because of the pests being everywhere, while others are going to go to other issues because you did not keep the facility clean. These can be quite expensive, no matter where your commercial property is located.

The point of these fines is to discourage you from letting the pest infestation from happening. Taking the proper steps to avoid an infestation can make a big difference in the amount of the fines as well. In most cases, it makes a lot more sense for you to pay for pest infestation maintenance and removal rather than trying to pay for all of the fees that come with not doing this in the first place.

You will need to take a look at all of the local ordinances and rules to see how much these fines can run. You can then compare it to some of the costs for pest removal companies in your area. Many are skilled to handle commercial pest removal, ensuring that you get the right chemicals and pest removal options that will keep you safe and will not harm any of the operations of your business. Research a few different options to see who will work the best for you.

Extra Health Inspections

Many commercial properties need to have routine health inspections. The number of times that these happen during the year will depend on the industry and the specific rules in your locality, but usually it at least once to two times a year. The company is usually the one responsible for paying for these. While an occasional one is standard and should be included in your business expenses, if you do have a pest infestation, your health inspections will go up quite a bit.

The local regulations will require that the health inspectors come way more than usual once this infestation happens. The point is to make sure the infestation does not come back and you do not end up with another problem. They will monitor you, help train the employees, and do other tasks that will ensure that the pests will stay as far away as possible.

This can add up when you have to pay for all of those extra visits, which is not going to do much when you are trying to stay within budget and are already paying for the government and local fees. Add on the disruptions that these inspections are going to cause to you, and it is no wonder that it can be a hassle and a headache to even consider doing these inspections after the pest infestation.

Loss in Profits

While this one is not really considered a fee, it is going to cost you a good amount of money at the same time. The first problem is that you will need to close your doors while the infestation is going on. This allows you time to get rid of all the pests and clear out the property to make it safe again. It could take some time depending on local regulations and the severity of the pest infestation as well. You also need to have extra time to clean up the property and make sure that it is safe once again.

While the property is closed for all of this cleaning, you are not making any profits at all. You still may have to pay some of your employees to help with the cleaning or pay for the professionals to come in, but there are no profits that you are earning at this time. This can make the infestation very expensive, especially if you have to be closed for a good deal of time.

Another thing to consider is your reputation during this time. Customers will naturally wonder why you are closed for so long and what is going on with the business. When they hear about it, the news will spread quickly. Your reputation will go way down during that time and you may struggle to make good profits, even when you are able to open your doors back up.

Sprague Pest Control Solutions is here to provide you with the very best when it comes to keeping pests far away from your commercial property. We understand that having pests on your property is enough to ruin the whole business, causing harm to your reputation and driving profits to the ground. That is why we are proud to offer commercial pest control, including rodent control and prevention, to help keep your property safe. Don’t trust your pest management to just anyone. Call in our experts to take care of all your commercial pest control needs.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
