How Can New Windows Affect Your Home?

Last Updated on February 14, 2022 by Kravelv


Unlike many parts of the home that you can see outside, windows do not get that much attention. You’ve probably heard a lot of stories about how getting a new roof can cut down energy costs or help you avoid the trouble of having to deal with major problems later on. You may have also learned about how a fresh installation of siding can give your home a new look and increase curb appeal. However, you don’t always get stories like that related to windows.

Don’t get me wrong; keeping the roof and siding in top condition is great for your home, but you should also consider paying attention to the windows. Upgrading to new windows can make a lot of changes to your home, including the following:


Ever had a sleepless night because of noisy vehicles, neighbor’s late night party or a strong rain? Switching from an old window to a new double-paneled window can reduce noise levels by around 20%. If you have the budget to spare, special, soundproofed windows which are better at deflecting or absorbing sound waves can cut down noise levels by an even greater margin (more than 70%)!


Remember how new roofs and siding make your home energy efficient? These two components also rely on the windows doing their part. The windows serve as major entry points for natural sunlight. Too much sunlight and you may soon find your home too hot for comfort, while too little would require you to use indoor lights even during daytime. Either way, it would translate to more expensive monthly electrical bills.


It’s not just sunlight that you have to worry about. Windows are also designed to control the flow of air inside your home. Keeping the windows closed prevents indoor air from escaping, making it easier to regulate room temperature, while opening them lets fresh outdoor air in and stale indoor air out. Old windows are either not designed to form tighter seals around the frame (letting air seep in and out), or simply too deteriorated to function properly.

By getting new windows, you’re essentially killing two birds with one stone because of features that are specially designed to help improve your home’s energy efficiency. For example, low emissivity windows greatly reduce the amount of heat getting inside the home without compromising natural indoor lighting. Also, new windows are often designed with more resilient frames and tighter stripping, so they form a better seal when shut.

Sashes tilt-in to allow you to clean them from inside your home

Modern windows also have features that allow you to open them easily. Remember the old windows that took a lot of effort just to open and close? New windows with even larger panels than those take less effort to operate because of pulleys, rails, levers, and springs, which carry most of the weight of the window panels. They also can have operating sashes that tilt-in to allow you to clean them from inside your home.

Last but not least, most new windows are manufactured with more durable materials compared to what were available back then. Stainless frames, treated wood, fiberglass, PVC, and other materials commonly used in making windows are constantly being refined to make them last more than their previous versions, which means they’ll function a lot longer before you have to spend on another set of new windows.



Author Bio:

Joe Winters, owner and president of Renewal by Andersen of Northeast Pennsylvania, is a business professional with over 35 years of experience in the Home Improvement Industry. He believes in the combination of brand excellence, quality products, and top-notch service in meeting his clients expectations.



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Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

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