Big Family – Small Home

Last Updated on November 3, 2021 by Kravelv

Tips for sustainable happiness based on minimalist rules.

If you are juggling with lifestyle goals and finances, you might want to consider living the life of a minimalist. Living on a tight budget often goes with cutting down on the biggest expenses, like housing. Whether you are saving up or going through a difficult phase, minimalist rules will help you keep your living space organized and pleasant for you and your big family. 

minimalist room

Many Functions, Little Space – Various functions are convertible

Your main challenge will be to fit many different functions into the little space you have.

If the rooms are not very spacious, you have to make them convertible. Try to separate the rooms by functions. 

The living room and kitchen are community spaces made for cooking, dining, playing games, and watching movies. Opt for furniture that can easily be folded or hidden away. This way, you can clear up some space when you hold the family dance competition or play Xbox. But you will also be able to seat your big family with a foldable and convertible table at Christmas time or Sunday lunch. Have the least amount of built-in objects, so you will always have the possibility to rearrange the room and adapt to anything that might come up. Family movie night without a TV? No worries, have a projector and screen you can use and then remove easily. Opt for speakers that are placed on the walls and ceiling instead of the floors. Have a couch with storage that can hold a vast amount of toys, board games, or seasonal clothes, or have a foldable couch for your guests’ arrival.

When it comes to the bedroom, you will need to design it to be a love nest and dressing room, s.o.s. quiet workspace and a hygge reading corner all in one. Install one corner or side to be a cozy hideaway for those short me times you might be able to squeeze into your weekly routine. Have a comfy space to sit and get cozy with some pillows, tea, and a book. This same space at other times can also be converted to an s.o.s. workspace with a foldable desk. 

The kids’ room might seem like a complicated challenge at first glance with all the different functions. If your kids are around the same age, and not in the middle of their teens yet, we’ve got a solution for you.

Your best friends will definitely be bunk beds. Using levels inside the rooms will save you a lot of space while bunk beds can be a tiny little universe and also fun for each of your kids. This way they will enjoy the benefits and learn the responsibility of ownership at the same time. The variety of these complex beds are endless. They offer sleeping, clothing, studying, and privacy functions all in one. Even 4 kids can live in the same small room while they all still have everything they need. Place their stations in each corner and create a little community area in the middle if you have some space left. So they can socialize and play with each other in their world without entering the adults’ world.

Bathrooms are the most intimate spaces of all. Try to find a home with two bathrooms if you have very many kids, and keep one just for the adults. These rooms also offer some space for not only cleansing but storage.

Lots of Stuff, little space – If you don’t use it you don’t need it

This is the most well-known minimalist rule. The practice that the authors of several minimalist lifestyle books offer is to box everything you have. Then when you need something, take it out of the box and find a place for it. Live this way for two weeks, to only have the objects left that you actually use. Get rid of the rest by selling or donating. This might be a tough spot with kids, but we all know the story of piling up toys and games that are never used, not to mention our own clothes and books. You can keep the things that are close to your heart, but try to cut down the clutter as much as you can.

Lots of Stuff, Little Storage – Unusual storage spaces

After you only have the things you really do need, you will still have to continue playing around with your options creatively. 

For your clothes use the area on the wall around the bed, one side for you, one for your partner. Your kids’ clothes can be placed in their bunk bed stations’ wardrobe. Store the seasonal items separately to save space for what you use daily. Spare some room for them in the storage of your double bed or the couch in the living room. Shoes should be placed in the corridor, along with all the books that you might own. Organize and keep the shoes clean and in a wardrobe made just for them to avoid the unpleasant greeting of piled-up shoes.

Community textiles will find a great place in the bathroom. Use the high areas of the walls or even ceilings. Remember to use materials that will work with the high humidity in this room, otherwise, you’re good to go.

School supplies should be a personal responsibility for each of your kids. The complex bunk bed stations will offer a place for frequently used items like these. Your work supplies have to be limited to a laptop and a few essentials. But if you need more space than that, you might be able to cut out a corner for yourself in the living room. 

Kitchen supplies and dining tools should be minimized. Don’t have backup mugs, glasses, and plates. Use the objects and replace them when necessary. Household appliances take up a large amount of space too and they are usually really tied down. Find fixed spots for them that won’t affect the idea of the convertible home, this will also leave you space for your remote data entry job.

Cleaning and washing are important things in a big family. Invest in high-quality and good-looking appliances that will lift the mood of your small home, or try to hide them in wardrobes. Have a storage spot for the vacuum cleaner in the kitchen. Build the washing machine and drier into the kitchen or bathroom.

And yes, finally your cosmetics and beauty products should also be reduced to the essentials. You won’t believe how much time this will save you, and in the end, maybe even your skin will thank you.

Minimalism is Both – Concept and Design

Now that you have reduced the number of objects and have focused on functionality, it is high time you also think of how all of these ideas will look like. Follow minimalist rules not only in the concept but also in the design. 

Even after cutting down on the number of your objects, you will still have a lot in a small space. Use white, eggshell, cream, or light beige colors for the walls and doors. These light colors make the biggest visual magic. They create a spacious feel. Don’t worry, some of the other objects, rugs, and furniture will add life to it.

Minimize the materials you use: stick to wood or steel and go with the same shade in each room. Go with light furniture and have a few interesting, contrasting or colorful objects and accessories. Choose not only convertible but also simple and small furniture so they block the least sunlight and let your rooms breathe.

Invest in high-quality good looking and sturdy pieces if you can afford them. When you only have a few things, it is important that they fully match your needs and fit into your everyday life perfectly while also bringing some aesthetic joy.

What are You Waiting for?

Now that you’re an expert on small homes, you can cut down on your budget even if you weren’t planning to. Enjoy the benefits of the minimalist lifestyle, where people are loved and objects are used.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
