Your Ultimate Guide to a Good Kitchen Remodeling

Last Updated on March 14, 2022 by Kravelv

The kitchen is easily one of the busiest places in your home, functioning beyond a place where food is cooked. Despite being mostly utilitarian, you also have to remember that it should also look great; a fine home with a dingy kitchen isn’t fine at all, after all. Since you’re going to be there a lot, you might as well make sure you enjoy your time in the kitchen. But what if it’s outdated or poorly laid out? That’s where kitchen remodeling comes in.

The Benefits of Kitchen Remodeling


INTERIOR BOOST: Kitchen remodeling doesn’t only improve your kitchen’s appearance, but helps give your home’s interior a boost as well.

Some people make the mistake of thinking about kitchen remodeling as nothing more than just making your old kitchen look new. While having an updated look is one of its most obvious benefits, kitchen remodeling offers a few more reasons why you should consider doing it, like:

  1. It makes your home more valuable

Just like how replacing your roof can increase your home’s value, having your kitchen remodeled also has the same effect. Of course the amount of increase greatly depends on how much of the kitchen is remodeled, but just having a home that’s worth more than before they were remodeled is already and achievement, and a satisfying experience. And you don’t necessarily have to be looking to sell to enjoy this benefit!

  1. It helps you save in the long run

Good kitchen remodeling projects can improve your kitchen’s overall energy efficiency. Better vents and range hoods, a more efficient oven, improved lighting, and other similar features can help you use up less energy in the long run. Target those during the remodeling process and you can lower your monthly energy bill down the line.


NO FUSS DESIGN: Recent trends in interior design favor minimalist kitchens with clean lines and simple features.

  1. It improves your lifestyle

Take improved energy efficiency and combine it with a refreshing look and you’ll realize that you’ll have a better experience spending time in your kitchen after it’s been remodeled. No more inconvenient layouts. No more faulty cabinets. Hello, seamless movement! Remodeling is also your perfect chance to add a breakfast bar or coffee area where you can hang out with friends and family, if you’ve been hankering for one.


MAKE SOME CENTERPIECE: Remodeling lets you add more to your kitchen, like this bar where people can hang out for a quick snack.

  1. You can get incentives

Having your kitchen remodeled may earn you financial incentives such as government-offered rebates for saving energy, helping offset some of the costs of your home improvement project. Additionally, you can also get some rebates by trading in your old appliances for the newer, more energy-efficient ones.

Kitchen Remodeling Tips: What to Keep in Mind

To get the most out of your remodeling project, you need to find out how to optimize your kitchen. You’ll be working with a professional but it also pays to know good remodeling practices.

  • Don’t waste a step – Accessibility is what separates the good kitchens from the bad ones. Go for a kitchen that lets you access everything you need within a few paces. For example, if you need to cook something, the pans, ingredients, and the stove should be close enough so that you don’t have to waste time walking all over the kitchen. Additionally, put the kitchen triangle to use.
  • Avoid cramped walkways – While accessibility is good, you should avoid cramping your kitchen’s pathways. This includes space between opposing counters or appliances. Free up as much space as you can so that you’re less likely to bump into stuff while carrying something hot or heavy.


  • Define your island’s function – Do you want your island to be mainly used for preparing food or as a surface for extra space? Make sure you get an island that’s suitable for its main purpose. For example, if you plan to use the island for eating, have enough space planned out so that the cooktop isn’t too close to the eating area, making it easier to clean separately and to reduce the risks of accidentally burning yourself while eating on the island.
  • Set enough landing space – Landing space refers to the amount of surface mostly intended for accommodating a wide variety of items, which range from grocery bags to new appliances and even cooking ingredients that you’re planning to use. A good rule of thumb is to put about 15 inches of countertop on either side of a cooktop or refrigerator.


MAKE ROOM: Having enough space between your cooking range and sink simplifies cooking and clean up.

  • Check your countertops – If you’re the type who cooks a lot, you’d want to have as much counter space as possible between the range and the sink. This will help speed up food preparation and cleanup. This will also give you enough space for more than one person in the kitchen, in case someone wants to help you out with the cooking.
  • Go vertical – If you’re regularly using pots and pans, there’s no sense stowing them away from the cabinet every single time you need to cook something. Use hooks and shelves so you can have your pots and pans ready for use in seconds. Hanging them vertically also has the extra benefit of being able to dry them out faster than usual.

Making Good Kitchen Remodeling Happen

Kitchen remodeling will take work but can be a very rewarding project, especially if you make the right considerations. Take the time to assess what you want to get out of a kitchen remodel exactly as that will help you figure out the next steps you should take. Having trouble zeroing in on what would be best for you and your kitchen? Don’t hesitate to give your local remodeling expert a call. They’ll be more than willing to walk you through your options, helping you pick out the best choice for you.


Author Bio:

Bob Carp has been leading Nuss Construction for more than 40 years. With decades of experience in the industry, he is passionate about helping homeowners find the best home improvement solutions for their needs, aiding them from kitchen and bathroom remodels to roof and siding replacement and everything in between. When he’s not working, Bob spends his time doing volunteer work for various causes. For updates from Bob, check out the company blog!


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

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