Top 5 Generator Maintenance Tips

Last Updated on March 14, 2022 by Kravelv Spiegel

Both electric and diesel generators can last for decades if you are ensuring the right steps in maintenance and storage. It is necessary to understand that a generator is mostly for emergency purposes and if not kept right, it will break down and fail to work, right when you need it the most. It’s just like exercising regularly to keep you healthy. The better your maintenance practices, the longer its functioning. Also, proper maintenance would ensure that you are never surprised by expensive repairs. If you own a generator or are planning to invest in one, here are 5 tips to get the most out of your investment.

  1. Investing in a good quality cover

As already said, the generator for most part of the year would be stored in your garage/store room for most part of the year. This doesn’t just mean that you can ignore its presence and ask for it only when needed. The least you can do is invest in a good quality enclosure to keep it safe from the immediate environmental conditions. Now, the choice of enclosure/cover would depend heavily on the place you live. If you are keeping your generator in a damp environment, you will have to but a different kind of cover than if you are located in a drier climate. The retailer would be a good person to suggest you the proper choice.

  1. Power it up every once in a while

The rule of thumb here is to power on your generator every three months or so for a minimum of thirty minutes, even if you don’t need to. This would keep the electric starter / battery in running condition and will not fail when the real need arises.

  1. Fill up the tanks and filters

When a generator runs out of gas, they will interrupt the electric load of your main power supply and this may also lead to problems in the magnetic field of the generator. Similarly, keeping a full supply of oil and filter ensures that you won’t need to shop for new ones during power outages.

  1. Reduce motor burn-out

Even if your generator is plugged into a low voltage supply, it is recommended that you use a heavy duty cord to minimize the risk of a premature burn out. Lighter cords will always increase this risk and you never know when a mismatch takes place. Also, since generators (even the electric ones) are noisy, a longer cord will enable you to place the generator far away from where you sleep.

  1. Never go for direct fuelling

There have been several instances when direct fuelling has led to generator burns and bursts. While there are some exceptions to this (generators specialized to take indirect fuel when running), it is always recommended that you power off the system before topping the fuel. It will also be advisable to allow for a cool down before you add fresh fuel to the system. This is especially important if you are using petrol based models.

When buying a generator it is necessary that you understand your requirements. Also, it will be great if the one you choose has less noise, in any case, you can have a look at this guide on how to make a generator quieter . Keeping in mind your future needs and the situations that a generator might be put to, go for the maximum capacity. Simultaneously, any hint of damage is to be immediately checked and repaired. As such, maintenance can be a headache and is also the reason why so many people go for generator hire instead of buying one.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furniture, plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
