Cleaning Tips: 10 Quick Cleaning Fixes for Things Around Your House

Last Updated on March 10, 2022 by Kravelv

There are homeowners who swear by cleanliness; there are some others who don’t. Whether you fit in the former category of homeowners or the latter, you’d have to clean your house at some point in time or the other nonetheless. As compared to commercial cleaning, home cleaning is a bit tricky and laborious. Here are a few quick fixes for the various things you might have to struggle with when on a cleaning spree:

  1. Cleaning Your Carpet

If you haven’t stirred the dust off your carpet in a very long time, you should first stir it up manually. Following this, you should treat your carpet with an upholstery carpet cleaner. Place the nozzle of the device against the carpet and move it in repetitive circular motions. Cover the entire expanse of the carpet. Keep repeating on and off until the carpet is free of dust. Also, in case your carpet has a few rigid stains, you could treat it with a cleaner solution designed explicitly for use on upholstery surfaces; you could try the carpet cleaner by Altret, for instance.

  1. Cleaning Your Air Conditioner

Have you been wondering as to why your not-so-old air conditioner is not working as well as it used to? The reason is simple! It is time you clean it up. Debris and dust particles tend to choke the cooling fins on the unit, hampering with effective cooling and build up of heat. While it is always best to call in a professional to service your air conditioner, you could very well assess the condition of the furnace filter all by yourself and replace it if way too clogged with dirt.

  1. Fixing Scratches on Wood & Furniture

The wooden furniture in your house is bound to be scarred with a white scratch or two.  There is an easy home remedy for these uncalled-for scratches marring the prized pieces of your living room and drawing room furniture—namely, a mixture of one quarter cup of vinegar and three quarter cup of olive oil. Use a spare cloth drenched in this solution on the scratches to see them vanish!


  1. Removing Labels

It is always hard to remove labels from new dishes and glasses. Try removing one with your nails and you will most likely end up breaking them. The best way out is to soak all the dishes and glasses in warm water for about half an hour, before easily removing them manually thereafter.

  1. Clearing the Grout

There is nothing worse than the grout that ruins the beauty of your tiles. You can, however, easily get rid of it by preparing a simple solution at home. Three quarter cup of baking soda and a quarter cup of bleach is all it’d take. Scrub the grout with this mixture to dissolve it immediately!

  1. Cleaning Your Cloudy Glassware

To prevent the cloudy appearance from coming up, as a general rule, add vinegar to the water every time you rinse and wash your glasses. In case your glasses are way too cloudy, it may take a few rinses before the vinegar treatment is really effective.

  1. Getting Streak-Free Windows

Mix water with vinegar and dish soap. Wet a white piece of cloth in this solution and wipe your windows clean with it. Do not forget to buff the windows with a chunk of newspaper.

  1. Clearing Your Clogged Bathtub Drain

Choked up bathtub drains are perhaps the most annoying of all clogged drains. You can easily use a drain-opening solution to ensure smooth passage of water through the drain.

  1. Cleaning Your Cabinet Handles

With a toothbrush soaked in a mixture of one-part vegetable oil in two-part baking soda, you can clear up the dirtiest of cabinet handles almost effortlessly!

10. Cleaning Nail Paint Stains On Tiles

As soon as you stain the tile with nail paint, wipe it clean then and there. You can then pour in the nail-enamel remover and let it stay for a while. Follow this with a quick rub of any magic erasing substance.

As a general rule, if you clean your house daily then you’d not have to sweat out that much. On the contrary, if you evade cleaning your house regularly, you’d have to work really hard on everything ranging from deep cleaning your floor to removing the cobwebs.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
