Window Styles and Designs: Tips on Picking the Right One

Last Updated on November 4, 2021 by Kravelv Spiegel

Choosing a window appears like a straightforward task but many who had to do it find themselves being overwhelmed by the sheer number of options available. Having a lot of choices is always a good thing but it can understandably get confusing when you don’t know what you’re dealing with. To help you pick out the right window for your home, here are a few tips you can keep in mind:

What Do You Want to Get Out of a Window

One way to narrow down your options is to identify what exactly do you want to get out of a window. Are you trying to emphasize a particular view? Are you trying to increase ventilation in the room, or take advantage of natural lighting to reduce your reliance on electricity?

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A window’s purpose can dictate what window style you should get. For instance, if you’re trying to frame a particular view, then you’ll want to go with a window with a large expanse of glass, such as picture or sliding windows. If you’re aiming at increasing air circulation in a room, on the other hand, casements are great because they open the entire length of the sash and can be opened at angles to catch breezes and direct air into a room.

Where are You Installing the Window

Where you install a window is just as important as what kind of window you install. Especially if you’re keen on ensuring your privacy, you’ll want to make sure you’re installing the right kind of window in the right place.

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Say, you’re replacing windows in your bathroom. You wouldn’t want anyone peeking in from the outside so opting for smaller windows high up on the wall will be a good bet. If you’re replacing windows in a child’s bedroom, you have to take into account safety so fixed windows are right up your alley. You could also install double hung windows, and only open the top sash to allow air into the room without risking a child falling out of a window opening.

Balancing Form and Function

Form follows function. What you want the window to do and where you want it to go both play a large part in what window style you choose. Within those limits, you have a lot of room to play and still come up with a window that’s right for you. Keep in mind too that certain window styles match certain home styles better than others. Double hung windows, for example, feature a timeless design that works well with more traditional homes, while casement and picture windows match the modern aesthetic better.

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Finding the right window style is a matter of matching your needs and preferences with a particular style’s advantages. This is why it’s important to get to know your options. For more on what replacement window styles can do for you, don’t hesitate to give your local window expert a call today.


Author Bio:

Alex Esler is the marketing manager for Renewal by Andersen of Greater Philadelphia. Building upon Renewal by Andersen’s revolutionary contribution to the industry, she is driven and inspired to help homeowners find the window solutions they need. For updates from Alex, check out the company blog!


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furniture, plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
