Top Seven Myths About Concreting Floors

Last Updated on March 2, 2022 by Kravelv Spiegel

Half truths about any subject can always be dangerous.  Having myths about things that you use in day to day life can be very confusing. Shared here is a bit of information and myths on concreting and the flooring which is built with this material.

Myth 1: No chemicals are required to maintain the floors made of concrete

None of the floorings can be cleaned by itself. You will have to use chemicals or organic cleaners which can break and clean the dirt, debris deposited on the flooring. There are many floor cleaners available in the market, but you must try to use ingredients that are at least, mild and not very caustic in nature.

Myth 2: All cracks on the concrete flooring should be covered up

Only if the crack is very big and can affect the complete structure of concreting it should be fixed instantly. If there are minor cracks you can keep them for a rustic look and not stain them while filling in the bigger gaps. You can think of an overlay if the crack is small but damaged.

Myth 3: Drying time of concreting can be estimated accurately

Additives and stabilizers play a very important role here. Thus, the drying time estimated may not be the same always. The time taken to dry; will depend on the mixing methods, mixing plant used and the application time. It will also include the process of moisture movement during slab drying and also on the level of humidity and temperature of a place.

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Myth 4: The concrete surfaces are always created even

Concrete will be polished or then will be coated. You will have to pay attention to the maintenance of this type of concrete. You can use abrasives to maintain the polishes. The daily maintenance steps to keep the concrete surfaces clean will be similar to the other flooring types. Building concrete flooring is not an easy task, and there can be slight bumps if concrete is not mixed and leveled properly.

Myth 5: Concrete floors become slippery if customized

Customizing concrete floors might appear a little slippery but they are actually not. They are very similar to that of vinyl or other ceramic tiles flooring. You can reduce traction with the use of high gloss sealers or then by simply polishing the same.  For further safety, you can also ask the concreting contractor to offer you an extra no slippery coat which is properly mixed with a sealer or strainer.

Myth 6: Concrete is costly as compared to other floor coverings

Customizing concrete might be costly initially as compared to that of floor coverings made available.  But you should remember that this type of flooring has higher life expectancy and, therefore, you can get value for all the money invested. The maintenance cost of this flooring will be less and it will also not react to the dirt, cracks or any other stains.

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Myth 7: Any cleaning staff can help you clean concrete flooring

You may have less or no experience in cleaning concrete flooring. If you hire professionals, they may know cleaning and maintenance responsibilities but learning about concrete cleaning is a little important. There are many flooring professionals who give you an idea about how to carry on with the best varieties of concreting for your home, garden, pathways, and for your office. You can consult them for cleaning and their rates will be decided accordingly.

Though concreting is one ultimate material which can offer you a decorative pattern knowing everything about it before installations is necessary. You should also be well versed with customizing options that you have and the styles which you can choose. Getting answers to all your myths about concreting will be important so that you not only the facts but can also know the way to decorate your home with concrete.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furniture, plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
