How to Give Your Home Decor Some Oomph!

Last Updated on March 2, 2022 by Kravelv

So, you want to give your home decor some oomph? You’re in just the right place! Home decor without oomph is like living in a cave. You need to enjoy where you live, and feel relaxed there. You should feel proud when guests come over! Take a few of these tips to give your home decor some oomph:

Don’t Be Afraid of Pattern and Colour

Take a look around your home and assess how much you actually use pattern and colour. Pattern and colour can make your home decor amazing, so don’t hesitate to use it! If you’re unsure of how to start, there are so many Pinterest boards that can give you ideas and tips. You don’t need to paint rainbows all over the walls. Just use an accent colour or a couple of your favourite colours carefully if you wish. Neutrals are great, but there’s nothing like a bright colour to really give your decor some oomph!
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Include Art

A home without art should be unheard of! You don’t have to have any original Rembrandt’s in your hallway. It could be one of your own favourite artists, even if they are local. Including art will give your home even more personality and colour. It’ll add interest. You can even create a feature wall with your favourite artwork!

Use Unexpected Items in Unexpected Ways

The best home decor always uses unexpected items in unexpected ways. For this you must use your imagination. It’s so much fun! You can use old crates as shelves. You can turn old plant pots upside down and use as a side table. It’s all about getting creative and surprising people with your decor.

how to give your home decor some oomph

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Include Lots of Texture

The more texture you have in the home, the less boring and 1 dimensional it looks. You should include plenty of texture using things like cushions, rugs, throws, and accessories. You can even do it with your wholesale wood flooring. Mix and match to create a look that you’re really happy with!

Don’t Overdo it

When it comes to choosing accessories, don’t overdo it. You can make a room too visually cluttered if you’re not careful. Make sure you only include something if it’s useful, or makes your home beautiful. Don’t include anything for the sake of it. You can use apps that allow you to see how something looks in your home before buying it, so try that if you’re confused!

Have a Theme in Mind

It’ll make your home so much easier to decorate if you have a theme in mind. I don’t mean a party theme or anything like that. Maybe you want to go with a geometric theme, or something vintage to compliment your space. Whatever you do, make sure it suits your personality and lifestyle to get the best results from it.

Ready to give your home decor some oomph? This guide will help you to achieve the look you want without making your home look flat or boring. If you have tips of your own, make sure you leave them below. Bye for now!

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
