How To Prepare Your Home For Winter

Last Updated on May 27, 2022 by Kravelv

Every Canadian has heard the old joke; there are only two seasons in Canada, summer and hockey.

Winter is a huge part of Canadian life, but still many Canadians fail to prepare for it. Here is some important information that every Canadian homeowner should know. Get your home ready for the cold. Winter is coming.

home covered in winter snow

Get Your Home Ready for Heating

When the wintry weather hits you are going to have to pump up the thermostat. Check your home heating system ahead of winter. If you need any fuel, you should stock up before any seasonal price hikes.

Having a warmer home creates an opportunity to test radon levels. Radon gas is a silent killer. It is released naturally in some areas of Canada, where uranium lies deep underground.

The uranium breaks down over time and releases radioactive radon gas to the surface above. It is recommended you check for radon every five years. Radon detectors work best in winter when radon levels are usually elevated.

Inspect Your Roof and Gutters

To face winter with confidence, you need to know you can rely on the integrity of your roof. Go up to your attic space first and check the interior. It is an excellent idea to do this after it rains to spot any damp patches. If everything is dry your roof should be fine.

Try to inspect the roof tiles if you can. Do not climb any ladders or put yourself at risk. Walk away from your home so you can see your roof and look at the pattern of your roofing. Missing tiles or shingles will stand out like breaks in the pattern, showing it needs attention.

Protect Your Pipes

Frozen water pipes are a widespread problem for many Canadians in the winter. Protecting your pipes before the ice and snow arrive can prevent pipe bursts and a loss of supply.

Prepare any outdoor faucets by closing any valves that lead to them inside your home, then open the faucets. This will drain any water in the pipes. Then leave the faucets open through the winter. You should not need any water outdoors over the cold season. This prevents water from freezing in the pipes and cracking them as the frozen water expands.

You should insulate any exposed pipework too. this will prevent them from freezing when the snow and ice come.

Prepare for an Emergency

No one wants the worst to happen, but if it does you should have a plan. During a heavy winter, anything can happen.

Have an emergency kit ready. This should have more than First Aid supplies, though these are important. You may need some IMPs or Individual Meal Packs. If you get snowed in, or you lose power or gas supply, then a few of these could help you and your family until power or gas is restored.

Take these steps to protect your home and your family and you should make it through the winter with no problems. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
