4 Tips to Make Your Home Feel Fresh and New Again

Last Updated on February 1, 2022 by Kravelv Spiegel

Keeping your home feeling fresh, modern, and stylish is a process. It’s not a one-time project that you can expect to last forever, as it requires constant updates, tweaks, and sometimes renovations. If your house has reached the point where every room looks and feels dated then you’re likely feeling a bit discouraged, uninspired, and overwhelmed as to where to begin. Here are four tips that you can use that will make your home feel fresh and new again. Whether you use just one, or all of them, you’re bound to see a difference.

minimalistic house design

It’s Time for a New Paint Color

Any professional designer will tell you that one of the best ways to change the look of your home is to paint the interior a new color. This will instantly change the feel of the house and make everything else look different too. Furniture, fixtures, flooring, tiling and so forth will all look different once there is new paint color. This one project alone may be all it takes to modernize your home.

Just be sure to choose a color palette that works with the existing finishes, flooring, and furniture if you don’t have plans on changing them as well.

Get the Carpets Professionally Cleaned

While you may vacuum your carpets regularly and they look “clean enough” to the naked eye, the fact is that carpets can house all kinds of nasty things in them. They are a magnet to pet dander, dust, dirt and stains that build up over time. After a while, the color of the carpets can become altered, which is especially noticeable with light colors. Rather than rip it all up and deal with a big and expensive home renovation project, getting them professionally cleaned can take them back to “like-new” condition.

Professional carpet cleaning can tackle stains and ground-in dirt. It’s pretty shocking just how different the carpet will look after. You can check out options like this San Diego carpet cleaner.

Hang New Window Coverings

Windows coverings and treatments are something that can date a house, make the space feel closed in and not very functional. This brings us to the next tip, hanging new window coverings. You can start with the common spaces like the kitchen, family room, and living room, and then work your way to the bedrooms as time and budget allows. Be sure to upgrade to more modern options that are trendy and functional.

Re-Imagine the Furniture Placement

This tip is ideal for those who don’t want to spend money but still want the house to feel new and fresh. This is your opportunity to re-imagine the furniture placement. Moving pieces around not just in the room, but from room to room will create that sense of newness that you’re currently missing out on. If you have a modest budget to work with, you can always purchase furniture covers (slipcovers) or consider reupholstering the existing pieces.

These tips will make it possible to modernize the look of your home relatively easily.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furniture, plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
