Shared Bathroom Remodeling Tips for Families

Last Updated on November 11, 2021 by Kravelv

A remodeling bathroom is a major undertaking, but you can also increase the worth of your home by investing in a beautiful and functional new design.

If you have a large family or if children will be sharing this bathroom space with other family members, it’s especially important to plan carefully.

Before making any decisions about a bathroom renovation, consider the needs and wants of all who will use this room including people with disabilities. This way, everyone can enjoy easy-care luxury without sacrificing the small details that make every day feel special.

bathroom remodel

Do Some Research

Before you start any remodeling project, there are many things to consider. First, think about the reasons behind the bathroom remodel in your home.  A new bathtub may seem like a great idea for your family with kids, but will it really benefit them? Also, keep in mind how much work you can take on yourself and when construction might affect other members of the household.

Consider Budgeting Properly

Make sure that you know exactly how much money is available for the project before you get started. Keep an ongoing list of costs associated with different options so that you can make good choices later in the process without overspending or feeling like there’s nothing left to choose from.

Research Bathroom Remodeling Companies

There are many companies that specialize in bathroom remodeling, each with varying levels of service and price points. Ask for referrals from friends and family, look at customer reviews online, and read up on which remodelers have more experience in your specific area.

Plan Out the Room Ahead of Time

Not only do you need to know how much money you want or need to spend, but it’s also important to determine exactly what will be included in the final product. For example, if you plan on updating everything—replacing old windows, painting walls, putting new flooring down, etc.—you might want to scale back on some of those upgrades so that the final product is more cohesive.

Start on Smaller Projects First

As you plan out your bathroom renovation, be sure to break up the updates you want to make into phases. This will make it easier for you to tackle smaller projects without spending too much time on one part of the room while everything else is left untouched.

Plus, working on different areas of the bathroom at once means that your room won’t be an unappealing construction zone for long periods of time.

Prioritize Function Over Design

It’s easy to get caught up in bathroom remodeling trends and what looks best with your home decor, but don’t forget that this project is about giving your family a functional space they can enjoy every day. 

When possible, choose updates that will make a real difference, like replacing an old tub with a nicer shower stall or installing a space-saving sink and vanity unit.

Find a Bathroom Remodeling Contractor

There are many professionals who can help you design and construct your bathroom update, from interior designers to bathroom remodeling experts. Talk to everyone you’ve been referred to so that you have the best chance of finding someone who can help you stay within your budget and meet your expectations for the finished product.

Don’t Skimp on Materials

If you want something new in your bathroom—like a walk-in shower or double sinks—you don’t sacrifice quality just because the project is on a tight budget.  

Look for vendors that provide high-quality materials at affordable prices, and don’t forget to shop around so you can compare different suppliers and products until you find the absolute best deal.

Spruce up Tired Bathrooms

If your bathroom remodeling budget won’t quite cover an entirely new room, don’t despair: there are many easy updates that can completely change the look of your bathroom without costing too much money or time. 

For example, changing out some of the doors and switches, painting the walls and cabinets, and choosing a new light fixture all make a big impact with only minor changes to your existing decor.

Don Neglect Storage Space

When it comes to bathroom remodeling, it’s easy to get caught up in looks and forget functionality.  Make sure that your final design includes ample storage space for towels, linens, toiletries, and cleaning products so that everyone feels more comfortable using the room.

What to Remember When Starting a Bathroom Renovation Project

Before starting a bathroom renovation project make sure you know the costs involved and what will be accomplished by each upgrade. Consider breaking down your renovations into smaller phases so you can work on different areas of the bathroom at once instead of making one area look like a construction zone while everything else remains untouched.

Research bathroom remodeling companies and ask friends and family for referrals. Research bathroom remodeling contractors before hiring someone to help with the project and remember not to skimp on quality.

Bathroom remodeling doesn’t have to be expensive, although it can get really pricey if you’re replacing everything at once or looking for high-end materials.

There are many easy upgrades that you can do yourself to update the look of your bathroom without spending too much money or time. Other affordable updates include painting walls and cabinets, replacing doorknobs and light fixtures, and choosing new countertops and flooring.

When it comes to bathroom renovations, every room in the house will play a part so consider what other rooms need to be updated before trying to work on the bathroom itself. This means choosing colors and flooring that tie into hallways and other living areas instead of picking everything out independently for each area of the home.

Making Your Bathroom More Functional

Bathroom renovation is all about function; make sure you’re not forgetting how everyone uses this room every day when coming up with design ideas.

Don’t forget about things like storage space, proper lighting, and accessibility for elderly family members or guests who may not be able to navigate around your bathroom safely without certain fixtures or upgrades.

Be prepared: bathroom remodeling is time-consuming and exhausting; consider your bathroom upgrade in phases to help you avoid becoming overwhelmed.

Picking out colors, tile, fixtures, flooring, cabinets, doors, sinks–it’s all a lot at once so make sure you pick updates that compliment each other rather than ones that are too similar or don’t make sense together.

The right bathroom design can transform the look of any room; choose colors and patterns carefully to complement the existing color scheme throughout your home. Choosing an inexpensive new countertop over expensive wallpaper or tiles can give your small bathroom a luxurious vibe without breaking the bank.

Setting Aside a Budget for Your Bathroom Renovation Project

When trying to decide on a budget for bathroom renovations, start by looking around your own house first: calculate how much it’s the cost to heat and cool your bathroom (even if you don’t plan on making any changes, consider what the project may cost before deciding on a final budget).

Add up all of the fixtures you need for your new design, including hardware like doorknobs, faucets, bathtub faucets; replacement costs can add up quickly.

Remember that bathroom renovations are about creating a space where everyone in the family feels comfortable living every day; make sure there is plenty of seating to accommodate different needs whether this means adding cabinets or shelves with storage underneath to store towels and other items conveniently.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
