Low Budget Ideas to Redesign Your Bathroom

Last Updated on February 16, 2022 by Kravelv

Have you ever been in a situation where you need to refresh a certain part of the house, do something different and just change it a bit, but you have a strict limit to your budget? Well, in order to help you out, we have prepared a couple of cool tricks on how to freshen up your bathroom and at the same time save some money. Check out these low budget ideas for remodeling of your bathroom.

Low Budget Ideas to Redesign Your Bathroom 1Walls and Floors

One of the ideas to fix up your walls is to repaint them. The best choice is to go with some neutral and pastel colors. Another thing to keep in mind is mold and mildew. Before repainting make sure to take care of these kinds of issues, because covering it up won’t make it go away. Also, if you decide on repainting, don’t waste your money on professional painters, when you are perfectly capable of doing it yourself. When it comes to floor replacement, think about how limited your budget actually is. Replacing tiles can get quite expensive, especially if you decide on hiring someone else to do it. That is why the best choice is to choose some porcelain tiles with light colors. It is best to avoid strong colors and textures in your bathroom.

Low Budget Ideas to Redesign Your Bathroom 2

Cupboards and Cabinets

And as much as you think that you need a whole new set of bathroom cabinets, perhaps you should reconsider. If your cabinets are in good shape, just an easy repaint will do the trick. You would be surprised how much repainting them in a different color can change the look of a whole bathroom. Also a cheap and cool option is just to replace the handles on them. It will give them a completely new look and you will save hundreds of dollars.

Low Budget Ideas to Redesign Your Bathroom 3

Tub and Toilet

You really don’t need to replace the whole bathtub. It takes too much time and money. You can easily refurbish it and make it look brand new with only a couple of hundred of dollars. And when it comes to toilets, make sure you know how to properly replace one. If not, you can easily hire a plumber from Inner West in order to do it for you. Replacing old toilets and installing new ones isn’t as costly as it may seem, and it is much better to let an expert do it.

Low Budget Ideas to Redesign Your Bathroom 4

There is quite a number of ways on how to remodel a certain part of the house and still save some money. You certainly don’t need a high budget in order to redesign something and make it look fresh and new. You just need a couple of creative ideas and a little help from your friends. Don’t waste your money on unnecessary things and on hiring professionals for jobs you can easily do by yourself. Experts should be contacted in case you wish to change whole installations and plumbing. Turn to your inner decorator and let your creativity do the rest.



Author Bio:

Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in topics related to latest DIY projects and home décor.


Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook

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