5 Ways To Maintain Drywall

Last Updated on May 18, 2024 by Kravelv

Everywhere you go, if you’re passing by buildings, you’re passing by drywall within those buildings. Today, it’s just one of the constants of life. Chances are very few structures will be finished without the inclusion of drywall, and for good reason.

Drywall is cost-effective, it has a fast manufacture time, it’s fire-resistant, and you can cut it easily to fit your needs. In essence, Drywall Contractors are accessible. But it’s not perfect.

As for cons, it’s heavy, not exactly durable, susceptible to water damage, and prone to damage without plastering over it. While these cons can be managed with the right planning, it still needs to be maintained, read on to find out ways you can maintain it.

Dusting The Wall

In general, dusting your wall will never do you wrong. This can be done using a feather duster or a dry cloth. If you want to maintain your wall in a basic fashion this is the way to go. Doing so will keep dust and dirt off of your wall which will make the wall’s appearance more appealing. Dusting regularly will ensure that it stays in good condition.

If you can’t wash your drywall or clean it in another fashion, dusting it is your best bet. If your drywall is not painted, wallpapered, or otherwise protected then dusting it is the best option to ensure that the wall remains unharmed while also being clean. But if your drywall is protected, it may be a good idea to wash it.

Washing The Wall

When washing your drywall you need to be pretty cautious in how you do it. While washing it will make the wall cleaner, you must keep in mind that drywall is vulnerable to water damage. Essentially this means that you need to be aware of how much water you are using, as well as how you dry it off.

The best option to wash your wall is by using a cellulose sponge. You can find these kinds of sponges at home improvement stores and they’re good for only absorbing a small amount of liquid. With this sponge you should soak it in water and then wring it out, the remaining water should be enough to clean your wall but not enough to damage it.

The sponge should be slightly damp. Then with your sponge, you want to wipe in a downward motion. Doing so ensures that any water dripping from the sponge will be caught by the sponge itself. As mentioned previously, drywall is vulnerable to water and even water droplets can damage it. Drywall should not be washed if it’s unprotected.

Filling Holes

Accidents happen and therefore so do holes, and that’s alright. But it doesn’t mean you need to replace the entire wall nor cover up the hole with painting and hope that no one notices. With small holes, like screw holes, you can easily fill them using a patching compound. However, for larger holes, there’s a better way. 

For large holes, your best bet is to use a joint compound that utilizes a chemical reaction. These are available in a powdered form and can have a wide-ranging setup time. However, the drawback of this is that the end result is hard to sand down, so it’s a good idea to make sure the compound is flush with the wall.

For medium-sized holes, a good idea is to use a stick-on mesh patch. The best way to use one of these patches is by making sure the wall is clean and then sanding the wall just a bit and then place the patch over the wall. Further, you want to then apply the joint compound as previously mentioned, it’s a good idea to apply a few thin layers.

Cover Exposed Drywall Paper

When taking items off walls that were physically adhered to the wall, there’s a chance that when taking that item off you also take a bit of the wall off with it. The bit of the wall you take off would probably just be the top layer of drywall paper which leaves the brown paper behind exposed. This, of course, is not good.

Before patching up the wall, you’re going to want to seal it first. The problem with just patching up the wall is that in doing so, the water in the patching material will react with the paper causing it to bubble which will just cause more issues for you. What you should do is first seal it using an oil- or shellac-based sealer, using water-based will only cause the same issue.

Once you apply the sealer however you may, either spraying it on or brushing it on if it’s a liquid. Wait until it dries and then sand and patch it as you normally would. From there on out it’s just an ordinary wall repair job.

Nail Pops

Just as drywall is common, so are nail pops within those walls. What creates these nail pops are usually either the wood framing or an improper wallboard installation. Wood changes as its moisture content changes, due to this, nails can pop out.

The way to deal with this is a drywall fastener needs to be put into place, driving two nails/screws above and below the nail pop. Then using a drywall compound over the patch, after this dries you then lightly sand it. Rinse and repeat for a second coat and then you’re finished.

Maintaining Drywall

Maintaining drywall is simple on paper, like everything, as long as you clean it and clean up any messes that you or someone else may have caused. The wall should stay in good condition or at the very least intact. 

Related Article: Drywall Bulges: Causes, Solutions, and Preventions

At the basic level of purely maintaining the wall without repairing, you can dust it or even wash it. But if you do wash it then you need to be sure that there is no excess water on the wall as well as making sure the wall is covered and protected. If you are going to repair the wall then be sure that you do it properly and effectively. Good luck.

Kravelv is a full time digital marketer and part time furniture and cabinet maker. During his free time he would like to create something out of recycled woods, this varies from toys, furnitures plant boxes etc. Follow him on Twitter | Pinterest | Facebook
