Last Updated on March 30, 2022 by Kravelv Spiegel
Pools require a huge investment and are something you should think over before getting it installed. The installation process is not itself an issue but the thinking phase is what you need to go through keeping in mind a lot of parameters. Here are 7 things shared by Knoxville Pool Builders you should know about concrete pool construction.
Like rest of the pools concrete pool doesn’t get built overnight or in a small time. It actually takes 3-6 months to build a concrete pool. It takes at least 30 days for the concrete pool shell to be empty while the concrete in it dries. When compared to a fiberglass it is a lot of time. Fiberglass pools require 3-6 weeks of sitting after which you can pour the water into it while a concrete pool won’t be ready in less than 3 months least.
No doubt building of anything is messy due to the cement and all the specifics but a concrete pool is extra messy. The spraying of concrete out of the hose which gets everywhere. No place is safe when the spray is on. The dust gets everywhere and there is a lot of over spraying. If you consider this scenario and keep in mind the time duration it will be affecting you, you might rethink the idea of getting a concrete pool.
The sensitivity is in the form of the imbalance in the water that is contained in it. Any slight imbalance can cause the pool to strain or damage the pool surface. The changes that can occur are in the pH of the water or its hardness. The amount of chlorine in it can also be the cause of any stain on the pool.
One of the issues associated with concrete pool is that of resurfacing. A concrete pool will definitely need resurfacing in either near or sometime in future. Many companies give lifetime structure warranties but few give resurfacing facility under the claim. It is imperative that you get a separate surfacing clause in the warranty.
It is a common practice to play pool games one of which is pool volleyball. If you try playing that you will witness that the surface of the pool is rough. Apart from this the roughness increases with time and there comes a time that it starts damaging your feet and this is something that will happen no matter what.
Concrete pools require the most maintenance and can get damaged with very little effort. It is susceptible to calcium, salt, and pH of water. On the contrary, a fiberglass pool doesn’t offer these limitations.
Too many workers:
The installation of a concrete pool is a long process involving 10 phases altogether. There are men that are specialized in each phase and will be on site for them. You need to think whether you are okay with this much change and too many men working at a time.
Blue Haven Pools is one of the contractors you can approach once you have considered all the possibilities. You can count on them to provide you the best services and guidance.